Remind me not to take the LRT from Bukit Jalil back to Kelana Jaya ever again! It took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. ARGH!
Briefing today was really boring and for a moment, it was scary. Mr Pardeep explained about out grade points and explained to us the degree grading system. Very different from Higher Dip. Our papers will be actually be marked and moderated 6 times! by 6 different person or management.
The briefing ended at about 12.15. I want to stay back and hang out in the library to do some research with the rest of the CIT (I'm in COM you see) gang attended classes, but didn't. I don't think i'm be able to stay awake in the library till 5. So waited for the 12.30 shuttle bus and went to the LRT station.
The LRT trip was not boring, but still took way too long to get me home. Meet a new friend today. Sherine was on the same shuttle bus as me, we took the LRT together back to KJ together too. Thank god there was someone i could talk to. We kind of kept each other company. Both of us are looking for potential 'carpoolers', else...LRT....NO NO. If i can't be a 'carpoolees', i'm gonna drive. LRT really sucks in the long run.
I saw a very beautiful bright green lizard on the way home. I was taking the short cut back home from the LRT, passed berHutan staircase, the green lizard just ran across of me, up the fence and laid there. Cool huh.
Oh yeah, anyone have any idea what i should do for my final degree project? I have no idea what system i could code.
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