Dancing in the moonlight. Everybody is feeling warm and bright, and its a such fine and natural sight. Everybody is dancing in the moonlight. ~~ weee I feel so happy today.
I had a really good night sleep yesterday night. When I woke up I felt good. Muahaha. I mopped the whole house and wash 2 toilets. Me is super house maid! Roar! ...Ok ok stop laughing already. I just felt like doing house work hehehe. Doing all that took up the whole morning man. I didn't even have time to eat a proper brunch before college.
Before DBMS class Crabman passed me this. LOL! The real sashimi is on the right.

Had no PFI classes today so me, Jin, Dave, Sean and Yong Ching went to Enda Parade to 'wack some machines'. But before that all of us went to grab something to eat cos it seems that everyone was hungry. We head down to Carrefour, the food section. I bought this beef macaroni salad thingy. YUMMY! Then I bought some mixed sushi also. Not really nice.
After that all of us were up in the arcades wacking machines. I played Time Crisis 2 with Jin again. Hehehe. A little improvement. Then I played that whacking ..ahem I mean blasting...aeroplane game again. I really sucked at it. Can't seem to 'sim' in time. I wish I had one of those machine in my room. Muahahah.
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