Happy Birthday David Kwang!
If I don't get my 8 hours of sleep tonight...I'm skipping classes tomorrow. I woke up this morning when JK called. Wanted to continue with my slumber but didn't manage because my brain failed to shut itself down. ;P Went over to Sean's place for DBMS meeting in the afternoon. I didn't realised that DBMS project due is the first week of May. *OH NO* And there's PFI too (Have not even started coding man ahhhh). I don't know how me and my team is going to full this off. *Pray Pray*
After the meeting JK picked me up, then went over to SS2 to meet up with Zhong and Yong Ching. Later went to pick Ying up. JK drove all of us to PWTC for the PC Fair.
There were a number of booths displaying and promoting USB and mini portable mp3 players. Some were impressive, some were not. Saw most of these there. There's this other booth at the entrance level...I forgot the brand...They had 4 cool mp3 players there. But the one that I find is nice is not launched yet. Orange and black in color. (I forgot the brand..but the model number is VT-70 or something)
I also saw the local brand i-pocket DVD player. I find it not bad. This wasn't that impressive. You can't back up much data with only 32mb. With the amount of money (RM399) you pay for that, you could have gotten a 256mb thumb drive with extra cash to spare. Then again its individual preference also la. This one...I dunno man, didn't have the chance to test the sound quality...128mb not much also. I would rather have these two LOL!
There was also this booth selling networking hardware (I forgot the brand name again) who was giving out RM300 to anyone one who could slide a stand up switch to be right above the company's logo. There was this long table, and on the table was a poster with the company's logo at the end. Contestants had to stand at one end, and slide the switch to the other end. If the switch lands right above the logo, the money belongs to them. Nar...I didn't get the RM300. hehehe.
Didn't stay in the PC fair long cos I was very tired...(Plus ah...no comment la...the guys like walk a bit bit then like wanna leave already...I guess me and Ying were just geekier... LOL) Went back to PJ to meet up with Jin and Dave for dinner at Megah Grill. I ate fish marryland. Hehehe not chicken marryland. The food was ok, but I wasn't feeling ok after that. The 'langit langit' (sky?) of my mouth started to burn. I think it was the deep fried fish. Argh...got to drink tons of water now. I feeling sick already. =( Went to pasar malam after dinner...then headed home. Super tired now. Nite people.
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