I watched Van Hellsing today! The movie was actually better than I have expected, but still not as beautiful compared to Underworld. Maybe because Underworld had The Interview With The Vampire feel to it, and Van Hellsing had more of a Dracula (the old movie) feel to the movie.
They actually used a little of the Vlad Tepes aka Vlad the Impaler in the movie. (Actually the Dracula's movie storyline originated from him too) One of the names I remember was Vladist Dracularish...hehe maybe not quite but you get the picture rite? Anyways, they even painted the one of the Dracula picture in the movie according to this picture.

The movie had a few funny parts. I liked the way they fitted in Dr.Jackle and Hyde, Frankenstein and Werewolves in the movie too. (But this made the movie less graceful for me cos the focus were not on vampires) I really like the Frankenstein in Van Hellsing. He is like a different character from other Frankenstein movies. He had feelings, he wasn't stoned, he was pure hearted. The monk aka the small fry of the church was like hilarious at times. His gadgets are...whoah.
The movie turn off?...Well, when Dracula got burnt at the beginning, I think his skin to heal so fast. Burning always kills vampires. It takes longer to heal from fires and sunrays. At least that is what I think la. His 3 queens were super annoying. I don't think they can act. Then again maybe it wasn't them. Maybe they were supposed to be less graceful.
The costumes were only so so. There was this part where there was a costume ball. Everyone were clad in dark colors except for the main actress (super chun bloody red dress..slurp slurp). Anyways, all dark colors...aiyorrr not syok. I know they are trying to emphasize on Dracula and the actress, but still...aie, and I thought there were more beautiful costumes to see. The some of the males’ costumes were not bad. The cloak and stuff.
The CG was actually not as bad...in the trailer it looked so fake. But was ok during the movie. But my exposure to green screen filming made not 'feel' the last part of the movie (The part where Frankenstein was on the raft). The scene was actually good, but I think the lightings didn't blend in well enough.
...I just remembered my favorite scene, Rome, the part where they zoom in on the cathedral. Beautifullll.
Overall rating, I give it a 7.5/10 ...that's only because I didn't like the vampire style, if I didn't prefer any style, I would have given a 8.5/10 rating.
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