How much would you pay for garlic spread?
You know.... I've been thinking for quite sometime now. I want to write and publish a book. Not online, but on paper, for real.
I know I'm not an expert on anything so the idea of writing a book seems a little too far away. Having no time back at college... well I had time, but I guess my time was ... how should I put this ... my time was devoted to a certain someone... that I totally forgot that I wanted to come up with a book!
Anyway, when a certain ocean creature gave me one of his books *wink you know who you are* it reminded me of what I once wanted to do. The idea of publishing something still floats in and out of my mind every now and then. In the LRT I would dream of my book. I sometimes spend some sleepless nights coming up with something for a book.
Some of you might me laughing away already, rolling all over the floor and maybe even finding yourself short of breath because you laughed too hard. ...I bet this came to your mind Echo("OMG! You must be kidding?! Write a book? You can't even spell correctly on your blog and your grammar sucks!"); Well, that I already know. I have always been having problems with spelling and grammar, and my vocabulary isn't that impressive either but, should I let that stop me?
The answer is obviously NO.
I know I want to do it, but knowing is not enough. I need to set myself a target. A time frame maybe. At the rate I'm going, all I do is dream. My dream is not going to come true if I don't put things to actions. ... so ... OK YOSH! Going to start planning.
First things first... where do I start? (Ok, you can start laughing now HAHAHAHA ...) I need to do some research.
Oh, another question. How much would you pay for some homemade 250g (that's one standard block of butter) garlic spread?
That same ocean creature is now teaching in your former college, and found out (only today) that students are not allowed in that college premises in t-shirts or jeans (wow!).
Go ahead and write a book! Don't worry about people laughing and stuffs. Your blog is expressive and honest, so I'm sure your book will be as well. ;)
Go, gal, go!
fishtail : Don’t they look professional? *hehe* But like they say, looks can be deceiving. Have fun lecturing!
munak, eva : hm... see how it goes lah. But most probably won't really write about facts. Kind of difficult because I have to do tons of research on it.
Cous D: Just write anything you want, love story/life perception/Views/bloggin?
Anything you like, but like you said you got to start somewhere, so everything you think of your book, jot down the ideas at least!
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