Invasion... boobies and 30 year olds
TripleDash Invasion
While waiting for Teckiee to come back from her short (I think) hiatus, something made go 'Aiks' on "Dear Thelma" today. Okay, I admit that "Dear Thelma" IS the first page that I work myself towards every Sunday. Heh. Whenever I feel down, this column perks me up. I guess its kinda sad to find yourself feel better when reading other people's problem. *Shrugs.

Aunt Agony Pic
Anyway, CASE 1
Then I did something really bad, which I regret till today. While she slept, I crept to her room and tried her door. She was curled up on the bed and looked so cute that I wanted that picture in my head forever. I don’t know what made me do it, but I lifted her skirt, and touched her very gently. She was so tired, she did not move.
When she woke up, I overheard her telling her friend that she felt something bad had happened, but she did not know what.
I was worried that maybe, her subconscious knew what had happened.
I really like her and have been trying to control my urges. I’m afraid I might end up forcing myself on her.
Full article here
CASE TWO (I know Teckiee would love this topic)
I AM 20 and I work as a designer. I have been interested in women's breasts since I first saw my mother changing in the bedroom. From that day onwards, I began masturbating and I always had her in my mind.
In 2002, my mother died and my father remarried. I also fantasise about my stepmother now. Whenever I get the chance, I will try to look at her breasts. Whenever my family and I go to the shopping centre and come across women who wear clothes that sort of expose their breasts, I will not miss the chance to look.
I especially like women who wear black bras. I keep thinking it would be nice if I could do it with them.
Full article here
Yes, case two is about boobies fetish.
Case 1 is something quite common I think. Not that I go around molesting girls while they sleep, but I think a man's mind do wander on 'what if's a lot. Whether or not you act on your 'fantasy' that is another thing lar. This guy seemed to have lost it for a minute (or two). I wouldnt want to be in his shoes... but what should he do? Maybe, just confess his desire to her and apologise. Yea right... who would do something like that right? Risk kena tampar on the face.
So I am curious... indulge me girls... what would you do if you woke up and found out that 'something bad happened' but dont know what actually happened? Go to the hospital for check-up? Confront whatever guys who were in the house? What?
Case 2.... leaves me speechless. Masturbating with your mum on your mind? Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Incestous. Then comes step mom? My advice to him... go out lar... get out of the house. If your 'family' members become your object of desire, that means you are staying in way too much.
Anyway... thanks goes out to Teckiee for the extremely nice gesture of expanding her hat to me. Dont you worry about her... she'll be back. Online I mean.
Will tell you more about myself some other day. Kapish?
YErrrrrrr... =((((
I think these guys too much liow. but then again, I pity them. They need to get help! =((
If I was that girl.......... I duno what I'll do! Lock my room door when I'm sleeping in some hostel or something kua. Eeeyerrr.. =PPP
If i feel bad, I'll prolly talk to close frens bout it first. And then consider going for a checkup, if I feel *VERY* bad. Eeks!
Case 1: Girls can say what we want now, but we could act differently when that situation happens to us. Personally, I think the guy should be reported. He needs help fast. No help = a possible rape case.
Case 2: apa ini... me boob fetish? ... *kuali sudah pecah* But masturbating with mommu dearest in the mind? Thats so damn sick! ...but talking about boobies, the best set of boobies I was were fake, on a shim's body (transextual). Perfect size on her body and looks *fooyoh*. I can't help staring. She wore a top where it only covers her front , the neck line and sides were exposed and she looked really hot in that top. I was staring too much until Zhong actually told me to stop staring....HAHAHA. That was at ZoukFest.
i got fetish for teckiee's black bra =P
chian: this blog is becoming too commercialised. not really private anymore. i see ppl blogging for u now. i like your thoughts better
at least i know u are not sucked into blogging like last time when we're together. yeah man ,thats the way life supposed to be.... your blog cant be your partner. u are not supposed to be in cyber world when it comes to relationship
gone fishin,ouch sunburn...
Ok, can you tell me who is the person that wrote this, it don't sould like teckiee at all. Plus i don't understand woh.
sonia: thank you for being unblur... if u know what i mean ;)
bc: People like you are the ones who makes my blog commercialised. And sorry to dissapoint you but i'm the same ol' same ol' that loves my blog. My partner can be anyone\thing as long as it understands me, unlike you. Thanks for your advice, but no thanks. I wouldn't take advice from a jealous ex.
---: Sorry dude... but thanks...really appriciate it :)
Mr.Kiasu : This post was by Triple Dash... he's part of Big Head Big Hat now :)
teckiee:"jealous ex"
cheh love u lots oni get jealous.
unlike some players
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