My mom is a scary driver
I was down in Singapore for the weekends. Visited my aunty and her family and my brother. Everything was the same, except the journey to and back from Singapore was SCARY!
Since only mommy and I were going down to Singapore, mommy drove. I was freaking out for every minute I sat in the car. When we left for Singapore, it was about 5.30pm. (Friday after work) Mommy was rushing out to the hiway to beat the after work jam. *damn stress* She was driving like a mad woman. Last minute breaking and taking sharp corners at 60 to 80 km per hour. I freaked in the car. I usually drive my dad’s car so I know what problems my dad’s car has.
I told my mom that my dad’s car was
#1. Very run down. Please handle it with care.
#2. Alignment and balancing was very off. You can’t drive straight with the car.
#3. The left front suspension is not working perfectly.
But… ahhh no comment laaaaa I was too scared to open my mouth! Its still ok to control the car with its going 100 km\h. But mommy was like going on 140km\h and FOR GOD’s SAKE the alignment is OFF! The car was moving forward left! And Aiyorrr mommy keep pulling the steering back to the right all the time to keep the car straight. And at 140 km\h …. Just imagine the jerk. Every time (and that’s like don’t know how many times per minute) she does that my heart skipped a beat. I told her to slow down because it’s so damn dangerous to drive my dad’s car at that speed at that condition.
After the Johor border the left front suspension began to make some noise. I was sitting beside the driver’s side so I was freaking out every time the road gets bumpy. …. I’m like ‘I’m going to die I’m going to die.’ Thank god my aunt persuaded my mom to get the car fixed in Singapore.
And you know what scarred me the most? This happen on the way back home from Singapore. Mommy got pissed at another car so she was trying to race that other car! *AHHHHHH* Over drive was on, and to push the car (Get more *umph* power to the car, my mom off the O\D at 130km\h. They ref meter went up to 5 man! SHIT! I mean you can’t do that to a car right? It will kill it man! She was dragging the AUTO car for about 5 minutes until I shouted. I couldn’t stand being …. Ah…. I don’t know la… did I over react? I don’t know, I don’t think so. Maybe I watched too much movies, too much Initial D. I know nuts about cars, but I was afraid that the engine or gear box would blow. I was afraid for my own life.
…. Other than the ‘My mom is a scary driver’ the trip was ok. Ate a lot of good food. Went to look see the ‘Fountain of Wealth’ (featured in the Amaing Race once) and did my hair.
We wanted to have dinner in Pariss Internal Seafood Buffet Restaurant in Marina Square but we were there at 8.30pm, the buffet stops at 9.30pm. From the outside the place looked really really grand. A lot of crystals lights and chandeliers and stuff like that. The restaurant served dishes from 7 countries! Muahahaha I think we’ll go when we are in Singapore again. Anyway, we ate at Imperial Treasure, a Chinese restaurant just a floor below Pariss. The place was great. The floor was like an open concept kind of thing. You know like the Seed, Vincci bla blab la concept store in 1U, except this is for restaurant. And at the center of the floor there was a grand piano on a stage. A lady was singing and was playing the piano. She was really good. Great service, great food and great ambience. The food they served reminds me a little of a mixture of KimGary and Esquire Kitchen. Their dumblings (‘who tiep’) were the bomb! And they had this dessert called ‘purple rice’ or ‘black rice’ or something like that… very nice. It’s actually black glutinous rice with a mixture of some other stuff.
I really like the idea of the whole open concept thingy too. My brother thought it was odd though. Listening to jazz while dinning in a Chinese restaurant. Hehehe But I like it. Oo bad I forgot to take my cam out for dinner… so no pictures =(
But… saw this really beautiful cat at the salon after I did my hair. It’s fur was clean and sleek. Very healthy looking (hehehe because it was a little fat), reminded me of Garfield. This is one adult cat that I find really cute.


The cat stretched and then changed its sleeping position.

So cute la... hm... but wait. It's not Garfield. Looks like the cat in Shreak2. WAHAHAHAHA.

Hey sexy *miaooooo*
Turning off the O/D at 130 km/h is ok la. And it's ok to drive at 5000 rpm. nothing will blow unless your engine memang something wrong oledi. so just chill. =)
hehe you did wat to your long hair?
your mum paid for it ?
chian,your mum knows u got insurance already,ehemm i smell eviLLLL!!!!! ;P
hmmm i like fat cats =D , my sis kitten this time go bully other cats, dahsyat man... i guess he got fed up of being bullied
now singapore having sale ah? i might wanna go there for a break,holiday next week liao!! heheheehhe yesss lah
ps:handphones there cheaper lah
Waoh how i wish i got a mum like that :P Hehe, if she happened to blow the engine then she can have a new one like the one for trueno muahaha~ And drive even faster! Well, lucky nothing happened and god bless! The fastest speed i tried so far is around 165 km/hr and the car bit shaky d~ Gona push the limit abit next time at the highway~
Usually I'm not into cat, but have to say... these pictures... it is so kawaiiiii~~~
zhong: hm... dad's car damn charn liua... felt scared lo.. the engine damn noise some more... hais
bc: Mom pay your head. Everything is on my own now. No sale in SG yet.
acrix: HAHAHA if change to chunted racing engine nice.. but if mom buy kancil... wahahahhaa. Hm.. becareful when u push the limits.... easier to flip when the car is floating... scary.
fish: hehehe yeah. I dont like cats actually. But this one is cute. Maybe if i have one next time, it must have nice fur and a little fatty bom bom like this one.
hahah....!! ur mom should join road race...the cat's fur look like go saloon eh...very cute...wonder if the owner look like shrek?
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