Durian cake
“Do you still friend me or not?” Sounds familiar?
I have been hearing and even reading this a lot for the past few days. My Do Re Mi (I call them Do Re Me because all three of them are sisters with an age gap of one year) cousins are here. My room is now crowded by their belongings and at night, my king sized bed is fully utilized. I cuddled up with Do yesterday night, she felt like a mother. It actually feels really nice to cuddle up with a child. Me being the ‘big strong mama guardian’ protecting her offspring. LOL!
Anyway, since there’s three of them, I can’t be hugging all three. One of my left one on my right, the third is left out. Had to persuade one of my cousins to sleep with their maid.
I woke up early today to bring them for McDonalds breakfast. All of them and little stomach, they usually have to share their food. I have already predicted that all three of them do not want to share, so I let them pick what they wanted. I become the ‘black hole’ aka the dustbin, I ate all their leftovers. One of the girls just took two bites off her hash brown! I had to finish up her whole big breakfast set for her. *burb*
Then of course they were hungry again later. Baked them a cake! Hehehe. More about that later.
During lunch all three of them wanted different things. Fine with me. I didn’t order my food and plan to be the black hole again. But….
Do: I want watermelon
Me: Ok.
…watermelon comes. Do takes a sip.
Do: Not nice one. I don’t want already.
Me: !!!! …you never stir la. Come I stir already. Try again.
Do: Don’t want la. Yerrrrrr.
Me: *fruss*
....the food came
Do: Har, like that one, I don’t want to eat
Me: *Arhghghghghhghg Breath in, breath out*
Do: Eh I though someone said she wants this one. Try first ok? If you are scared to try I try first la. Then you try.
….take a bit and *yum yum*
Do: No I don’t want.
Me: *Alah…damn sien* But the food come already. No one eat how? So wasteing. Have to throw away.
Do: No I don’t want.
Me: *Gives up* Then what you want to eat? I bring you to look around, then what you order you must eat ok?
Do: Ok
…..before the food comes Do Re Mi argues. *NOOOOO*
…..food comes
Do: *sulk sulk*
Me: Do, your food here already. I help you cut, then you eat ok. Remember what we agreed just now?.
Do: *Gives me the ‘you are so dumb, I’m not going to eat*
Me: *ARGHHHH breath in, breath out. Tahan! She just a kid*
Do: You don’t eat later hungry you know. See your sisters, all of them eating already.
It took me 20 minutes to get her to her first bite. And I have to feed her. *stress* By that time the two other sisters already done with their food. ….then they started complaining. “I want to go home” *criessssss* At the end, none of them finished their food. I don’t have stomach space to finish them either. I’m so stuffed!
It doesn’t end there you know.
Baby sitting three of them really takes up a whole lot of energy. I have to make sure I’m up and ready before they wake up. I have to make sure that they brush their teeth before they go to bed. I have to make sure they drink enough water during the day. Have to make sure so many things. What really requires skills is persuading them into doing all those. What is harder is to make sure I do all that without favouring any one of them.
Even Do Re Mi are sisters, the “I don’t friend you” is common. It’s common in all kids actually. There are instances where two sisters will team up against the other sister. They do that to boycott, for fun, and sometimes due to jealousy. It’s really difficult to come up with solutions where “We can all friend each other”. It’s also difficult to console the one that is left out. I feel so helpless when I cannot let them “friend” each other.
Anyway, I baked my first cake today. My mom used to do all the mixing and I was only in charge of preheating the oven and eating hehehehe. But this time I did it all on my own. What cake? Durian cake! Hahahaha yeahhh good choice for my first cake. LOL. It turned out quite well too!

I got the recipe from The Star’s Kuali. I was a little careless and greedy though. I used 250g of castor sugar (castor sugar is actually fine sugar...I didn't know that until today) instead of 225g. Careless mistake. I think can cut down on the sugar because the durian itself is sweet already. Put 400g of durian instead of 150g. HAHAHHAHA I KNOW! Big difference! But more durian only nice ma. The cake turned out a little moist. I think 200g would be just nice.
ca i have some......?
lol someone duwan "fren" me
yeesh so childish
How old is the eldest one? haha kids these days are getting smarter and more spoilt i guess~ anyway, i used to bully my young cousin by pinching their cheeks (not those cruel type) :P FUn! Erm, durian cake? I dun think i;ll wana have it thou alot of people loves it :P I duno since when i started to hate the smell of durian~
ho ho ho, try imagine that they r ur children, the effect is even greater, day in day out, everyday like tat, till they grow old enuf to fly themselve ... challenging rite ... hehe
zhong: want some?
chris: hehehe of cos! come over...or i can email them to you *grin*
surfnux: hehehe thank god its just for a day.
acrix: Do Re Mi is 7, 6 and 5 years old. I sked to bully them la. One cry then start a chain reaction man hahahaha. Hm...i'm going to try banana choco walnut soon..want some?
Soloh: Hm...i dont think i'll have 3 kids all one year apart...i dont even know I want kids!
jing: Yor damn stress man. They all so manja u know. Next time each one take one and babysit la..easier hor. hehehhe
watever cake oso me want....droolsss.....
Yeah, SPOILED BRAT! Don't you think it's possibly caused by everyone catering to their every whim and spoiling them?
Aiya.. I'm sorry to say.. you wimped out. Should have been more firm.. "You order already, you eat it, or I'm not taking you home!".
Also, whether you know it or not, you just pulled an "M.J.". Wait until they grow older, and sue you for molest and being a lesbian child abuser. *wooooo
Anonymous: Have you ever tried taking care of kids? You can't let a child not eat you know. I had to find a way to make her eat. Skipping meal is not good for them.
If sleeping with kids automatically makes me a paedophile then... right, I'm one.
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