Deja Vu
It took me quite sometime to wake up this morning. Slept late and had a really weird dream that drained all my energy.
I dreamt that I going to drive up to Genting alone! LOL! The destination was Genting, but the roads were nothing like Genting's. It's not the first time that I have had this dream. Everything I dream about Genting, it's always about me, a car, and Genting. The roads are all the same in my dream, but never like the ones in Genting.
Actually a lot of my repetitive dreams revolve around the same area. It happens so many times until I can remember which road goes where even when I'm awake ... even right now. It's like there's another earth in my dream. It's like living a second life there. Feels weird sometimes.
Sometimes I just feel like it's a Deja Vu too. Sometimes I feel like I have dreamt of the story\location\action before... but only happen so much later in the real world. I wonder if dreams do come true this way.
Anyway, I went bowling with my colleagues after work today. My team leader and supervisor were there too. I had a lot of fun! I broke and chipped my nails though. I don't know why but no matter how short my nails are, they will still chip. =( I think its the way I bowl. I think I let go of the ball wrongly. Got two strikes too! Muahahaha

.... HAHAHA that ball went into the drain :p
I also have the same feeling, sometimes it just struck me like the thing happening now had happened before, and i have come to this place before. I know this sound scary, but alot of ppl had this feeling, just they don't want to admit it.
MrKiasu: Yeah feels really weird. Its like some how you know you did what you did before, or you have seen the place before even tho its your first time being at a location.
Woman practise ur drivin skill and drive me home when i am home in M'sia. Soon very soon.
Miss ya !!!
wing wing dei
I am no Sigmund Freud, but if you constantly dream of driving up a hill and if the roads in your dreams are not the difficult winding roads we have in the real Genting, it could mean that deep in your subconscience, you have a yearning to break free or to soar away.
recently i also have bowling games with my colleague too it was a tournament games althrough i keep on wash the drain but my team still managed to get 2nd place ::hurray::
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