Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Booze have never tasted better

Meet up my my former team leader. Talking with someone out of ExxonMobil who know's the current situation of my team helped me a lot. Since he was no longer my team leader, he share some really important information with me. I'm glad we had this private talk.

I also had something going with the team, I'm sure it will lead to nothing because everyone else is just chicken shit (I know the team didn't have a chance when people FFKed) when it comes to things like this. ...But then, I do understand that not everyone is as "daring" and "young" *rolls eyes*. People do have commitments. Wives, children, their car and homes. But it's sad that they don't see that in 5 years time, there would not even be a job for them.

I felt insulted and disappointed when I was told... "This is what we have to expect, this is what it is, there's nothing we can do about it". While someone us believe things can be changed and we do not have to always except what is given to us, some of them just have no vision and just live like the water that flows down the river. All I have to say that those who knows better have\is looking for the ocean.

It's stupid. No one's job is on the line. But it will be if nothing is done.

People resigning is like a "biasalah" (common) thing in my team. Yeah, very common. Maybe even more common that attending meetings for some of you. One is leaving next week, and another next month. While the smarter one leaves, the ones that remains drowns in work.

I left work earlier than my usual today. Had a good dinner with dad and a nice walk in the pasar malam (night market) with both my parents. Came home and had a short serious chat with my parents about my work. (With the company of a can of Tiger. Booze have never tasted better. I don't even like beer! *burbbbbbb*) Mom said "It's either you leave now, or stay forever". My response?.....

There are issues I have to look into. Issues that I won’t say here because… well… not that I won’t, I would if I wanted to but I wouldn’t be really unethical of me.

All I can say is that I already have my letter ready. All I need is a date. But who knows… I don't.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger fishtail said...

You remind me of some of those people working in Limkokwing. Some of them don't last a month :(

At 12:24 AM, Blogger arwen said...

fishtail: I know what you mean. Once, my graphic design lecturer said, "See you all next week for the final presentation." The following week, we panicked because we found out she resigned the day before presentation. WTH???

At 6:40 AM, Blogger teckiee said...

fishtail,wen: ah? I like the job.. but all this is frustrating man.


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