Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Non Halal post

This is a NON HALAL post and may offend Muslim readers.

The below is just a made up story. The conversation did not happen like that hehe. My eldest aunty always take up the job as the "pig chopper". It may look easy to chop the pig up but trust me, it's one hell of a task.

You will need a big chopping board and a really sharp chopper knife. And not forgetting large plates to place the pork.

Don't throw the pig head and feet. There's a lot of stuff you can do with it actually. Eat the crunchy skin off the head and eat the ears! The pig feet and bones can be used to make "chap choy" or pork porridge. The roasted pig leg will give a really good flavor to the dish.

"Ah yee, when we eat? Still need to wait ah? Can I just bite into the piggie?"

"Why you ask Ah Yee? She is a pig also la, you think she let you eat her own kind ah? Let me chopped it up for you. First you have to remove all the decoration. That one cannot eat you know"

"Wahahaha I chup the leg bone first. That part is the most 'ho liau'"

"First you got to chop off the head MUAHAHAHAHA PIGHEADDDDD like your Ah Yee"

"Then chop the feet off. Ehh wait wait, don't eat yet. The leg not nice one... wait for the meat"

"Then you have to cut Ah Yee the pig in half and remove the spine."

"Then slice the ribs, and the rest of the lean meat and all the extra fatty part."

"Then dig in! See la... faster take if not this two uncle korkor finish the whole pig liua"


At 9:30 PM, Blogger chris said...

*slurp* ho liau...

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wa sudah hungry...

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can send some of these over? along with the double choc cookies too..

At 5:08 PM, Blogger fishtail said...

You should be getting a fresh batch of new readers to your blog. I got 2 new classes, and introduced your blog to them, telling them you are a graduate of the place.

At 12:12 AM, Blogger teckiee said...

Chris: hehehe ahhh hokien lang

JK: ehhh when are we going for the jap buffet? want to go for the shangri-la one ah

Jing: hehehe no more siew yoke adi.. all in my tummy. Cookies can.. send me pic 1st heheh ask Suet Yee also la.. you both can be in the pic! That should be fun.

fishtail: LOL i think you can be my official blog "publisher" =)


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