Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Holidays are bad for me. Nothing to do. No money. Too much to eat. Too much to think.

There are many times in life when all of us take time off to think about our future. We ask ourselves, “What do I really what?” Then we change for the better, for ourselves, and not for anyone else. Our change will affect the people around us. Enemies might feel challenged and stressed. Friends will be happy for us, or maybe be jealous of our achievements. Ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends will be wondering why they left you.

Then again is changing really that easy? A person does not just change overnight. People often do not realised negative aspects about themselves. Including me. What happens? Nothing actually. Sometimes friends and family tries to tell us stuff but we are all too blinded by work, stress, love, lust, greed and money to realise what a monster/weakling we all are, until something hits us. I just realised it so much easier to take insults and comments from strangers or people we hardly know. Strangers just on and off switches much more effective don't you think?

I'm still young. Only turning 21 soon. There's so much in life that I have yet to experience. But have experienced some shits throughout the years that I'm alive. Some times I just hate it when older people think that they are wiser. Maybe not only older people, but people with experience. What makes you think that a young person with no experience do not understand a situation? A close friend told me once, being intelligent is learning from our own mistakes, but being wise is learning from other people’s mistake. So it's wisdom that I want. It is wisdom that I have. I'm going to be immature and stick my tongue out at the next intelligent person that comments on my life and future.

Me being young gives me more choices in life too. I knew I had choices, but only realised I had even more choices over a very educational and interesting mamaking session yesterday. The ocean is big, the sky is high. We all don't have to make a decision yet. Grabs what ever that comes along. Ditch the bad take in the good. Try out new stuff, but not to the extent that our actions will demoralise ourselves. Don't be the weakling, be the monster.

How do one actually morph from a weakling to a monster? Am I a monster?, not yet.

Where does this entry leads to? I don’t know man. I have no idea what I just wrote.


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