Rojak buah
Despite the busy schedule and heavy workload last week, my colleagues and I managed to have our monthly Makan-makan (eating) session. This time, rojak buah (mix fruit salad) was on our menu.

Let's see, we had guava, pineapple, mango, papaya, cucumber, jambu batu, kang kung, sengkuang, tofu pok and some rojak keropok. And some chillies too. Mix it all in a bow along with the rojak sauce and VIOLAH! Ready to eat.

mixing up the fruits back to work :(
How do you make the rojak sauce cause i also want to try doing 'home made' rojak myself???
emotionalistic: We bought the rojak sauce actually. But you can try buying prawn paste (Har kou), thick black sauce (Hak yau) and some sugar. Mix it up in a small bowl and try for taste. Add more prawn paste or black sauce according to your taste. You can add chilli and groundnuts too. When you have the sauce ready you can mix it with the fruits or use it as a dip. Happy rojaking! =)
it's really good,having makan makan session with colleagues in the office. We can relax, chat-chat a bit, especially with staff from other departments.
I remember got one time, my office organised something similar, and people can bring their own food. Then there was an Iraqi colleague who brought some traditional Iraqian food. No one dared to try it (I tried it, quite nice actually), and he had to finish it on his own. Poor fella.
papi: wahhh i think if your Iraqi colleague coook for my dept...the food for sure all gone to our tummy one hehehe. Talking about food, one of my colleague told me that there's this buffet Brazillian BBQ restaurant around Atria shoplots that is nice and worth for money. the way, where can i buy rojak sauce (quite lazy to make myself :P). And what chilli you use?? Red chilli?? Chilli padi?? Or chilli sauce?? Sorry for asking too much??
P/s: Really looking forward to make my ow n rojak.
emotionalistic: Hehehe no problem. Glad to help. You can use the normal red chilli, chilli padi also can, or u can mix in sambal giling or belacan in to the sauce. Location to buy...that one I dont know la, but you can try asking from rojak seller, ask if you can just buy the sauce (and maybe with the keropok too).
Thanks a lot for the tips :).
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