FORUM, the opening
Yesterday night was fun! But... I ended up KO'ed...again.
The initial plan was to sit home and stone but some how I ended up at the FORUM in Sri Hartamas for their official opening. FORUM is in between Coffee Bean and Breakers, the place used to be called DragonBar. The beginning of the night was slow, and quite boring. But things was rocking bons bons when the shufflers and the PHD (Pure Hard Dance) team came on set to promote GLOW2. *wOOt* Soul-T and the shufflers was wicked with the opening. Too bad I was wearing stilettos, I'll be shuffling if it weren't for that. Hayden came table to table handing out GLOW2 flyers to promote Sunday's biggest shuffling event that was also happening at FORUM too.

Anyway, music got better after the shuffle promo. Or maybe it's just the alcohol kicking in. I danced my heart out. Haven't been doing that for ages! I missed grooving to the music, to move the body with the music. This is much more fun compared to any dance classes. And you know what? Dave danced too! Seriously la, he don't dance, or at least I have never seen him dance. Go Dave go!
After leaving FORUM was a disaster. Should have dance the alcohol off. I was KO that that time but I remembered this.
NG: Eh what's your number?
Me: 01X-XXXXXXX, give me a missed call too.
*ring ring*
Me: Picks up the phone and said "Hello" "Hello" then I was thinking how come the person on the other line wasn't speaking up.
NG: Eh I'm giving you a missed call la.
Me: HAHAHAHHA Ok, it's official, I drank too much. (Jin: I remembered what I said to you on the dance floor too, that was not some alcohol action yah )
After that was ... don't want to elaborate anymore. When will I learn my lesson? I made a lot of people worry again, sorry cous, and thank you too.
For those who are going for GLOW2 tomorrow (see you there!), here’s some info for you guys. FORUM has a smooth elevated + shaped stage, and smooth enough flooring to shuffle. Power is not necessary. The stage is a little small, hopefully they move out some of the tables out of the way to extend the dance area. If you are planning to get PHD merchandise, my advice if to get there early and get them to make sure you have your shirts and all your size. (You are welcome to buy me a phattie\shirt too! hehehe)
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