Glow2 @ FORUM Sri Hartamas
Before I start my entry, I would like to welcome another member to Big Head(s) Big Hat(s). Equator will adding more noise here along with Triple Dash and I. *wOOt*
Okay, zombie nation following the yellow brick road! Muahahah if you get what I mean. GLOW2 was awesome! 10 hard hours of shuffling, it's no wonder all our legs got wasted.
Zhong, Gordon, Qwen, Chnoong and I arrived at 2pm sharp, but didn't go in till 3. While waiting for the rest to arrive we hung around at coffee bean and kept a look out of FORUM's entrance. GLOW2, Clept and PHD merchandise was on sale and there were many who were getting their hands on them. There was another setup to sell the merchandise in FORUM itself... all the PHD T-shirts and hoodies were gone in 2 hours.
We entered when the rest arrived. We all got our alien green love bites on our neck before be were allowed to enter FORUM. Kinky? hahaha wait till the green ink runs down with your sweat and dye your white shirt green. Thank god I was wearing a alien green baby-T.

FORUM smelled good because no one was allowed to smoke, drink or do drugs during the event. Clean clubbing. But sadly some people don't understand rules. I was a few smoke, and after certain hours, I saw a bottle of Chivas on a table. And I thought FORUM wasn't suppose to sell alcohol during the event. I guess I was wrong. I was later told that the clean clubbing rule was only until 9pm. What's the point of promoting clean clubbing then?

The sofa we sat on was really comfy. There was a point (I was really really tired that time) where I almost fell asleep. The soft sofa, the trance at the background. Niceeeee. Chnoong felt the same way too.

Since it was 'clean clubbing', the event was open to all. I actually saw two kids shuffling too. This cute fellow was one of them. Don't play play man, this dude here can shuffle better that a lot of people that was at GLOW2.

Some random pictures below.

Have also got myself a Clept shirt and a PHD lanyard. A free CD (mixed by DJ Soul-T that was the bomb!) came with it. Katie let me choose this beaded bracelet thingy (There's a specific name for it but I don't know what its called...yet) and gave it to me. I really like it. It's like metallic girly futuristic drugs on string. LOL!

The downside of the whole event.... hell at work today. Although I got back home early and slept before 12, I was so tired at work. I almost died.
3 Comments:'s good to see pics of people I haven't seen since the end of form 5!
ioney: Maybe we should meet up sometime too. =)
Haha..I'd love to, but I won't be coming back to Msia for the next year or two.
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