A few in one
This 'holiday' is going to be as busy as work for me. *sign* When will I get a break?!
Thursday, 8 Dec 05 : I rushed to finish my responsibility at work and made it for the performance practice at 6pm. Me and the dedicated bunch rehearsed until it was 10.30pm. By the time I reached home... it was already 11.30pm.
Friday, 9 Dec 05 : Since I'm taking the following week off, I had some extra work to complete. I had to delegate my work so I would not have so much backlogs when I get back. I went for the final rehearsal late because I spent too much time chatting with people in the 8th floor.. hehe oops.. Didn’t get my work done in time.
Transformed into cowgirl aka sheriff and off I went to JW Marriot. I was a little late, but no sweat because the beginning was all speeches. My team's performance was first and well... since we all didn't have time rehearse at the Marriot's stage... our performance wasn't our best. But it was still ok. We were later given a letter, which told us that RM350 will be given to the performing teams for our effort. *wOOt*
I took a whole bunch of pictures before I head back to the office.

If you think I was 'crazy' to continue my work, hey I'm not. Two other guys from another team went back too!

My new team leader, me and the other 'crazy' guy. A few people commented that my team leader and I look like sisters. Hm... I think we do, a little. We have the same attitude when it comes to our responsibilities at work and I think we do have the same pattern when it comes to other stuff. I work well with her too.
Saturday, 10 Dec 05 : BBQ at Sean's new condo. Really nice place. I like, a lot! Sean was a great host. He doubts himself too much. I think I'll make more garlic bread next time....there's a next time right? ;P

I didn't take much pictures. I was too busy poking chicken wings with skewers and BBQing heart shaped chicken nuggets.

I don't know why, but I like this picture. Jin was so cute during the BBQ.... she was very very tempted to step into the pool, which later she finally did.
Sunday, 11 Dec 05 : JK rung me at 9.40am. "Eh wake up it's 10 already" I went back to sleep because I set the alarm for 10! I went to pick Yih Wen and we became 'the girls who will pour beer' for the rest of the afternoon. It's a long story but I learnt a new skill. 4 can = 1 jug, minimal foam. And opening beer cans? Easyyyy lah.
Monday, 12 Dec 05, aka my birthday : Woke uo late, but in time for lunch. Since it was a public holiday for Selangor, I can celebrate my birthday with my family! Too bad my bro is in Singapore. Anyway, I couldn't decide where to eat. PJ Hilton Hi-Tea? Too short notice. Eastin Chinese dim sum thingy buffet? Mom rang the restaurant but they didn't have the buffet that day. I want to go for Saisaki, but then I remembered some of KL's roads are closed... kind of lazy to head down to KL.
We ended up in Subang, Taipan. Why? ...hehehe my Mom left her handphone in her pants pocket and that pants when into a wet bucket for soaking! We thought that the phone got stolen and barred the line... but... LOL! We couldn't get her card though. Maxis service center was closed for the holidays.
Anyway, we had lunch at Logenhause. Good food at very reasonable price.

The ham is hiding all my meat! I ordered mix grill because I could not decide on what to eat. The grill came with a rib-eye lamb steak, tenderloin of beef, de-boned chicken drumstick, fresh made chicken patty, ham, one really yummy sausage, potato wedges and some vegetables and carrots. All that, along with asparagus soup and apple celery juice went into my stomach. Yum Yum!
We went shopping after that. ...shopping... and more shopping. My sis bought me a dress. =)
Today, Tuesday, 13 Dec 05 : My grand parents and cousins came down from Ipoh. Had to prepare things around the house and bake cakes for tomorrow. We will all meet my auntie’s family in Melaka. Family holiday! Hohoho!
Anyway, I made apple bread pudding for my grand parents and cous SJ's family. It didn't turn out well though. The pudding was too fresh, too soft and too watery. The pudding supposed to be refrigerated first... but ah well... SJ will let me know if the leftover in the fridge taste better.
My two other cakes turned out better. Made one pandan cake and a chocolate chip cake.
SJ was telling me that I didn't have a cake yesterday, but I'm baking 2+1 today.
Tomorrow, 14 Dec 05 : I'll be off to Melaka... pictures with I come back.
I hope I will have time for myself after the trip. 1 week seems so short. 1 whole week... but no time for myself.
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