Loads of stuff!
Woah! I'm back at the office after 6 + 4 days of annual leave and boyyyy... there's much to be done. Thank god there were loads of other stuff other than work for me to look at. =)
When I reached my cubicle I found some chocolates scattered at the center of my table. Then a small little gift. It seems that my former project manager left the chocolates and a cute little baby angel magnet for me! Weee! She's so sweet!
There was also a large company calendar at my table side. ....Hm... I'm still waiting for the table top calendar and the diary. ...I really need 3 table top calendar with boxes to write in for each day. Why 3? Well, one for my cubicle, one for my PC table, and one more for my room. Don't ask me why I need so many of them and why it's necessary for all of them to be 'boxes to write in for each day'. It's just how I organize my ‘life’.
Then at the corner... I realized that my cheapo blue Telekom phone was replaced with the nice Panasonic white 'changgih' phone with the speaker phone, memory dialer and the bla bla stuff! Muahahahaha! The phone used to me my former team leads phone, but since my current team leader have the same phone, I get to use the phone. I think I'm kind of lucky to get the phone (although it's just a phone for anyone else in the company).... the other ATL is still using the cheapo. But then again..... I think my current headset doesn't work with this phone. Hm... got to test it tomorrow. Someone call my office phone.
Ok, now back to work. Loads of emails unread. But out of the almost 200 emails, only 50% were work related. Most of them can be left unread hehehe. But can not play play man, it took me nearly 4 solid hours to read, sort, reply and delete my emails. Crazy!
...then back log back log back log.... looking at my 10 days' of untouched reviews made me sick. And if that wasn't enough, those darn access administrators in North America are not doing their job! They were requested to extend my accesses and my IDs 2 weeks ago but nothing was done. I couldn't get my work done! *(^$^(*%$#^
I did something really mean. I sent an indirect but very sarcastic reminder to the team to get my accesses renewed. And it worked.
Just when I thought this will get worst was I start to work on my backlog, well, it didn’t =) One of my team members came over and gave me another keychain to add to my cubicle decoration.
And then... an email came. Dinner at American Chilies at 6pm. RM350 of the total bill will be paid by my company as an appreciation for my team's performance on one of the company dinner. wOOt! I ordered a chunky juicy lamb shoulder, sided off with steamed broccoli, cauliflower, onions and carrots, one larger piece of garlic bread, and a large scope of smashed potatoes covered with melted cheese sauce. SLURP! Superb! Along with a glass of guava and mango juice.... I'm filled to the brim. This food in my stomach can last me for 3 days.
Haikkk... another long day tomorrow. Will have to do some last minute Christmas shopping for gifts!
Some people are sooooooo lucky *envy envy*
fishtail: where got... if lucky sure kena lucky draw during dinner one :P
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