Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Little addictive games and bones

I have a new routine at my new work place, a very bad routine, and unprofessional.

Since there's no 'real time' (it's 9am on paper though) I should reach work, I'm usually in 15 to 20 minutes late. I work (still being trained now) and be trained until I get bored (that's maybe until 11am) and then I play games until lunch time! Thank god I have been able to prevent my hands to install and PC games on my work laptop.

I better not make this a habit... but you know what they say, enjoy while you can. I won't be able to relax (and play games) once I have been assign projects of my own.

But in the mean time, I'm really enjoying Window's Pin Ball, Solitaire, Minesweeper and all those little addictive games in Solaris. I really really like same GNOME and GNOME stones. Really addictive man. Ohh and there's like Majong (not the 4 player kind, but arrangement of the majong pieces only), I have that on the Gameboy, that's really nice too.

...hm should I install Bejeweled?

Surfing at my new work place sucks since last Thursday. The router died or something and they are still waiting for TM to get their butt over to fix the darn network. It's ironic when we give support to part of their AD while we get network support from them. The only difference is that... (I think) we give better service. LOL!
While things are looking good for me. I still am quite confused on what to do next. I'm being worst that the dog on the bridge. I have a bone in my mouth, and I see the reflection in my mouth, and... I have one buried under the soil across the bridge.

I want all three bones! Yes yes, I'm a very greedy person. Greedy and confused.

Right now, I really having a hard time making a decision. All those questions. What if this, what if that? Which would be better for my future, which would bring me nearer to my goal? It's frustrating now having a bone, but having too many and only one mouth is frustrating too.

How should I make my decision? What is my decision?!

If (x==bone1) then

- Learn a lot, really a lot.
- Relaxed working environment.
- Possibility of traveling. (yippie!)
- Fulfill short term goal? Yes, very much.
- Pay is ok ..
- It's bad to plan this, but if I pick bone one, I will be moving on when I done with it. But that's life right? We leave when we are done with things. We leave when we don't need them anymore.

else if (x==bone2) then

- Learn a lot about something that I think would be useful to fulfill my mid term and long term goal.
- I think the working environment would be ok. Should be working with lots of young and eager people like myself.
- I have got to relocate. (I don't really care about that, I think deep down I want to be relocated.... I feel guilty just thinking that I want to leave my family and move out)
- Fulfill short term goal? Yes, but not sure how much.
- Got to see how big my bone 'reflection' is to know the pay .. but should not be that bad gua.

else if (x==bone3) then

- Learn, and maybe will keep on learning though not in the areas I would want. Not sure if this can help me with my mid-term goals.
- Working environment would be professional... but relaxed?
- Traveling and all? Don't know man. Maybe, maybe not I guess.
- Fulfill short term goal? Yes, but very little compare to the first 2 bones.
- Pay is hm.. well, can't say damn good, but better that bone 1.

//My priority is my goals for now. I don't think I care much about how much I'm getting paid. Plus there's a timing issue right now. *sign* I don't think I want to job hop like that.

end if

At the end of the day... I still would have to make the decision like the person at the keyboard entering the value of x.


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