Saturday, June 03, 2006

blog for money

Sometimes it's better not to say anything. So I didn't.

The famous "blog blog" topic discussion came up again today. You know what I think? ...people don't blog for themselves anymore, blogging is so commercialized. Blogging is an industry.

Large and even small corporations are beginning to have their own blogs (if they don't already have one). I think it's good that they are moving into this because it really so much easier for me to get information off them. E-mailing newsletters will be on their way out soon, replaced with RSS.

Even the less tech-savy computer users "I have to blog this". Every night is spent thinking of blog topics and ideas and ways to increase their site traffic. And obviously, get some money out of that adsense. But is that all bloggers think of now?

Someone said that Asian bloggers are getting boring (or something like that) because all we blog about is life, politics and food, there's no value in them. Another someone said bloggers use 'bad words' just to increase their site traffic. But you know, it doesn't really matter.

A web log after all is a log for anything and everything. What is wrong if an entry contain nonsence and no educational value or uninspiring? I blog crap all the time, and sometimes I don't even know what my crap is about. What is wrong if 'bad words' are used to express themselves? I need to curse when I'm mad to let all that anger and frustration out. Would I vent it out to my family and friends? No, so I do it here.

Go do whatever you want to increase your traffic, no one can stop you... all they can do is just bad mouth you like how you bad mouth them. Famous blogger 1 VS famous blogger 2. Insults and sarcastic comments thrown at each blogger and in the end of the day... well I get to read a few juicy post. But really la, aren't we all like that. You blog about drugs because that's your passion. You post naked pictures of yourself for more traffic. That's your choice, your freedom to do so.

But all that traffic... like I said, blogging is turning into an industry. People don't blog for nothing anymore. More and more people are blogging for money.

For me, Big Head Big Hat will always be for myself.


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Serena said...

the real question is: does anyone ever read business blogs? i mean if i'm randomly browsing through blogs, i never stop to gaze at the annoying and pointless quartly profits blog or the look at my organization blog.

seriously. everyone is getting so hyped over blogs being the next big thing that they're just taking up useless webspace that noone will read.

as for the adspace junkies... get a life.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well really most blogs are just plain boring to read. But that is because it is not something which is interesting to to the reader.

The worse blogs are the ones with tons of ads on them. And they are not even good to read. And most of the time they post up crap each day because they want to keep traffic volume up. Sickening.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger teckiee said...

serena: hm... i do subscribe to some business blog feeds... i do read them when i have the mood.

it's true that the hype is there, but i guess as we all grow more techie, we would all want web presence.

loong: i dont know man. boring or not it's still self expression to them.

don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that people should now blog for money.. is their business la that one.. I just dont see why ppl kutuk one another in their blogs...and even in real life. HAHAHA but thats their business also la.. i got interesting post to read only after that hehehe :P

At 10:03 PM, Blogger teckiee said...

jon: i wonder who earns more, xiaxue or kenny...but i guess they earn it also la.. sometimes reading them can +1 to my cheerful meter

???: yeah, agree.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger chris said...

go teckiee!! continue to write more crap coz i enjoy reading them

At 6:25 PM, Blogger teckiee said...

chris: hahahahaha will do will do


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