Friday, April 28, 2006

Dug links

Random links I have dug at today.

Now this is a business we all can start... if only I have the $.

Throw away your USB thumbdrives and go for this. Imagine if that's our Malaysian MyCard. I think you can store information up to who your greatgrandfather is.

Hm... there are plenty ads on Malaysian television by local artise's talking about not supporting piracy. But for them it's different. But I think there are pros and cons to piracy. I would not have been able to learn a lot of things if I didn't pirate in the past. But I'm learning now that we can do a lot with open source stuff as well. Can the music industry work well with open source? Creative commons? The big kanuha record will surely die though.

I used to cry out loud because I could not access the internet at my previous work place. I could not install applications and to run a .exe file will prompt a red flag by a security application tracking us. So, for those who is feeling my pain, here's a little something for you. Run your stuff on your thumbdrive.

A must read ...for geeks and non geeks. Now this is why we need security policies implement in companies.

Hm... I think I can make a clock out of it. Would be cool stuff....I could place it at my cubie.

195 Free Online Programming Books. Where were they when I need them back in college?!.. maybe I should pick up a new language.


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