Tuesday, August 30, 2005

otF : On The Fence Episode 02

otF On The Fence - Episode 02 <Download Here>

Hosts : Teckiee and TripleDash

What's on today's menu:
- teckiee picked the intro and outro closing song. Song has nothing to do with Triple Dash
- We are called On The Fence ...Baaaa baaaa
- New segment called otF : Matters of the hard Heart
- Love Vs Career
- Better intro music in the next epi
- Triple Dash is sane, Teckiee is not
- Next epi about otF : Top of the List

Triple Dash and I are back with episode 2! Yay!!! Thanks for all the feedback on our first episode, really appreciate it. Don't stop there though, keep email us [feedback.onthefence@gmail.com] because we still have lots to improve. Sadly no one suggest any title for our podcast =( Anyhow, I thought of otF for our title because Triple Dash and I will be mainly going talk about stuff otF, we'll be (be trying to) critique our topics un-biasly. So... Triple Dash, does that mean I'll get a mystery price from you? Hehehe.

We have so many superb ideas to implement so keep that mouse clicking on that <Download Here> link!

Monday, August 29, 2005


Oops a little too early for that. Yep, our 48th Independence Day... I'm proud to set my work email with a auto reply message that goes like Echo("xxx will be out of the office on 8/31/05 and will only return on 9/1/05. She will look into your email then. FYI, 8/31/05 is Malaysia's Independence Day and a public holiday."); Everyone knows that 4th of July is the U.S.A's independence day but I think I can do my part in informing the world that our independence day falls on the 31st of August.

This whole week is going to be a really busy week at work. There's the Merdeka holiday and quite a few meetings, training and briefing to attend. I won't be able to get any work done tomorrow already! .....I'm already thinking of the backlog I will face when I return to work on Thursday. ...have meetings on Thursday and Friday too *cries*

Okays, work a side ... remember that umbrella story I wrote once, I thought of writing the continuation... but I don't seem to have inspiration to continue. I need a story for the whole umbrella thing. What should happen next? Or should I leave it as it is? Should I write about another object? Should I have short little logs about these objects? I currently thinking of a story that goes with fishtail. Since fishtail was actually the person that firstly inspired me to blog out the little umbrella story.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Baaa baaa white sheep

On the fence. LOL!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Become Micheal Jackson

Was suppose to come out with Epi 2 today... but TripleDash and I encountered some technical problems. Hopefully its better during our next planned session.

Anyway, got lots to say but my grandma is taking over my PC room, leaving you with some interesting pictures.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

No name yet podcast - Episode 1

No name yet podcast - Episode 1 <Download Here>

Hosts : Teckiee and TripleDash

What's on today's menu:
- Podcast have no name yet so it's up to YOU to give us one. Winner gets a mystery gift from us.
- No, mystery gift don't include ** ***** ***
- Email us at bigheadbighat@hotmail.com
- Inspiration came from TWiT, Systm, The Broken, Diggnation, Command-N, From the shadows
- Charlie and the Chocolate factory is the bomb
- No singing on air
- No haze since Monday
- Dig your 'goal' 'gold' in your nose and check if it's black. Send it to us HAHAHA.
- PD rave was so so.
- Stay away from drugs.
- It was a hot boring day.
- Crocodile blood fights off HIV virus
- Do monkeys have HIV?
- Test it on human and we will come up with croc man (who is going to take over the whole world) and mystique
- There was once (and still going on in some parts of India) a tradition to burn a wife along with a dead husband
- Jennifer Anniston and Brat Pitt is divorced
- Brat Pitt is in his late 30ies.
- Gattaca (and Ethan Hawke) rocks
- Nicole Kidman...OZ chicks is going to rule Hollywood soon
- Marina Mahatir is teckiee's idol
- Lung cancer is affecting everybody
- Use external iron lungs
- 2 rounds of testing and this is the 3rd technical try
- TripleDash's guest list: Audrey, Sonia, Sean, Bernat
- Headphones, nifty software, and MSN is used to record this podcast
- Streamyx sucks
- Problems over at Teckiee's hw or OS
- We need sponsors!
- TripleDash stays hidden in video cast...if we have one
- Email us your feedbacks at bigheadbighat@hotmail.com
- Pirate this file. Share this with everyone!

Alright people! So here it is! Me and TripleDash have collaborated to come up with our own podcast. Everything I was to say is being said (or actually mumbled) in our podcast so go download and listen to it. This is something new for us so technically it's not 'perfect' yet. We have discussed about a few issues and we will definitely look into all technical and non technical aspects in our coming episodes.

So if extra (and I believe many of you have unlimited) bandwidth is in your hands, go download and listen and give us your feedback. I'm looking forward to all feedbacks... especially negatives ones so we can improve. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Vote vote vote

Wow! Thing have been really crazy for me. I'm cramped up with so much work and things to do. I need more time! My grandma is staying with us again so I practically have really limited time to use the PC! Actually she's already asleep now but I just need my pc.

Daryan just came back from his 2 weeks work trip from Guam, Korea and India. Like Sean, he lost weight. A week in India can kill man. But I guess who ever want to loose weight on a holiday; India is the place to visit. Hopefully you won't end up in the hospital with high fever and diarrhea.

Daryan got me really nice bookmark from Korea. I totally love it... plus I read a lot so it's something I could use. The necklace is from India and it matches with the bracelet\arm band Sean got me! I love it! Planning to wear those to my colleague’s wedding next month! Cousin Daryan (Toh) also got me 2 key chains. One from Guan and one from Korea. The silver one from Korea. According to him, ladies in Korea carry a small dagger for self protection. The keychain is the miniature of the dagger, can use it as a letter opener.

Anyway, I have been busy with ...well... stuffsss. Just stay tuned yeah. :P And for those who have not voted ....Go laaaa vote for me!!!

Many of my friends came back to me asking Echo("How do I vote?" I can't find the link"); Well.. I kind of agree that the HCI is a little off. But here's a step by step guide.

1. Go here to register. (http://forums.hardwarezone.com.my/register.php)

2. After registering, you will receive an email in about 3 minutes from HardWareZone's administer. Open that email and click the activation link to activate your account.

3. The activation link will bring you to the site. From there, you are automatically logged on. You will just have to go here. (http://www.hardwarezone.com.my/microsite/apacer_vote/) Scroll down a little and you will find a "Vote Now" button. Click on it and vote.

4. After voting, the results will be displayed.

5. Thank you for voting!

I'm still behind by a lot of votes. Got to reach the top and stay there. Rahhhh!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Recharge R3velation Port Dickson

Johan Gielen was a real disappointment. I didn’t think he would play such a bad set. Echo("DJ Johan Gielen"); Echo("Make some noise"); He over did it man. It's boring after a while. Marcus Schulz was ok, he kind of played a lot of his 'normal' tracks. I guess listening too much to live sets can kill my mood in raves. Maybe I should stop doing that.

Scott Projects on the other hand was off the roof! When his hard pumping trance came up it was the bomb! However... you can't really dance on sand. I keep digging my own dancing grave every 5 to 10 minutes and have to stop to cover up the hole to dance again. And of course, it's impossible to shuffle on sand. I saw some people taking their flip flops and shoes off to dance... I wanted to do that but on second thought I didn’t. The venue wasn't really beach. It's actually just a grass area. The organizers just (I think) pour sand on the dance areas. If I were to take off my shoes, I might have all sorts of foot infections after the rave. But of course I did have some shuffling session on the tar roads... wouldn't miss that hehehe =)

Overall the rave was pretty good. The crowd management and planning was great. A lot of space for people to rest unlike in ZoukFest. The security was tight, there were 3 layers of security checks before anyone can make it inside of the rave area.

Entrance area. This is actually the second level check already. The first was further front just after the ticketing booth.

The organizer set up a Ferris Wheel! I didn't dare to ride it tho...

They also fixed a cam in each car of the Ferris Wheel and then project it on big screen. Nice concept.

Hungry fellars can order food and drinks at the FnB area set up during the rave.

Massage Area... yep, get your hand massages here. Tho I would prefer leg massage ahahahha. The legs are doing the dancing, not the arms. But then... no one would want to massage smelly feet!

Sprinklers were setup at various locations of the dance floor. I saw this "I'm singing in the rain" action yesterday too. Hehehe funny stuff.

The stage where the trancy DJ were playing.

Rela Team that helping out with the security.

I took some videos too. Fireworks1, Fireworks2 and I (think) a really good clip of shufflers.
Right click and save as yah.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Apacer Miss Personality Challenge

Okay...so what was all the voting about? Err well, you see, during the PC Fair, I actually participated in the Apacer Miss Personality Challenge with a colleague for fun and a free thumb drive drive. (...ok so I did it for the thumb drive but sadly I only found later that it was only 16mb, but better than nothing lo hor?)

Anyway I didn't blog about it because errr well hahahah welll you know I know la, a geek is a geeker, not a model. But some how I actually got picked as one of their 12 finalist! wOOt!

So now since I'm already in the finals... I want to win! Grand price winner gets a Apacer stylish treasure worth RM1000 and a year subscription if the HWM Magazine. Huahuahua gadgets and PC mags....that's what I'm talking about baby! I don't know about the other finalist...but if I win I would definitely appreciate the prices! Muahahhaha

And of course, I looked at everyone else's pictures and you know what, if I wasn't in this contest, I would vote for the below... I think they are *slurp slurp*

Christina Toi : I really like her look. Very natural!

Fiona Kwok : Actually, I kind of know Fiona. She was my senior back in secondary school and we were in the same dancing school. She's a lot hotter in real life.

Maisatul : She so adorable!!!

Shie Yiing : My vote goes to her! Sexy yet tough. Slurrrpppp

There's two other ladies in the preliminary that I think should have been in the final spot too... I find both of them quite chun .

Hot Hot Hot!!! Muahahahhahaha SM! *some wiping action going on*

She reminds me of Barbie. Love her lips.

And finally there's me =) Now go go go vote for me! But you know what... actually all this voting, where does it go? It's more to a 'who has more friends' kind of thing because in the end the person who gets more vote have more people helping her...wait.. unless there are strangers that actually vote for them... but then again…blarghhh... anyway, just vote la, if you don't have any preference then vote for me! And if you didn’t already know, My name is Toh Ee Chian hehehe =)

*cross fingers* ... I want free PC mags to read and new slurp slurp gadgets.

Oh yah, Echo("If you have voted correctly one of the top 3 finalists (in no particular order), you stand a chance to win Apacer Handy Steno HC212 "Ocean Wave" Flash Drive. "); You will need to register as a vote first.

More pictures here. Just click on the girls and wait for a pop up.

Note: 'chun' means attractive in Cantonese

Vote for me!

OMG the geek wannabe actually got pick for this! Vote for me!!!!

Shit...i look like a drag queen eeek!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

perverted man

When I was in the LRT yesterday I met a perverted man! The fucking asshole kept sticking his bloody groin against me!

The LRT was jammed packed at 6pm. I was standing in front of the seated people. The guy was behind me, his hand over my shoulder grabbing on the bar on my right. I keep standing nearer and nearer to the lady sitting down in front until there was no more space. And he kept coming closer and closer rubbing his fucking dick against me. I also saw his reflection on the glass, the bloody horny bastard was grinning away.

There was this lady standing besides of me, who also noticed what he was doing. I really wanted to fuckingpervertassholejackassbastarddisgustingpieceof
shitanddisgracetosocietyseihoitid! him that time man, but I didn’t. WHY DIDN’T I? DAMN IT I’m such an idiot.

I got off at Masjid Jamek and took the next train that came. I should have kick him
in the balls or step on his feet before I left.... &*%^%#^%*(^(*&#@$#^% but I didn’t! ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The next time something like this happen to me, I’m going to kick his balls, step on his feat and take his picture and make sure he remembers my face because I’m so so so going to haunt him for life.

I hope his balls rot and drop off. *shows the finger*

…no that would be too cruel.

Just make his dick a few inches shorter. *shows double finger*

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Good looking IndiaBoy is back

Jin: Eh damn boring wei.
Dave: ...What you want to do?
Jin: Go Genting la.
Dave: Ok la. Aoi mai lei.

*I think the conversation went something like that.

That conversation lead the APIIT gang up to Genting for a yam char session. I think it is the first tea spontaneous session where everyone was quick to come to an agreement (no one was 'poh mah' hehehe ahemm) and Sean kor came too!

Seated (L-R): Jin, Dave, YC, Amy and Soloh
Standing: Me and Sean.

Sean told us some interesting stuff about India... and that he was actually hospitalized for 2 days when he was there because he caught a virus! A few of his mates caught it too. According to him it's kind of normal there but...well dangerous too. Water there is not clean and that he had to always buy bottled water to make sure its bacteria, virus and protozoa free.

...and then all I asked was all FOOD related. Tosai for breakfast, lunch and dinner. White rice, beriani and one more... white rice mixed with some sort of seeds. Curry chicken and daul. Sean said there was no fried chicken at all. No oily stuff only healthy food. I think Sean is glad to be back in Malaysia for mamak food.

Sean looks different now. His hair is not black anymore. Some how it looks like the dyed his hair brown. He got new specs too! So now lagi leng chai (good looking) and yau yeng (stylish) already hehehe :P

Talking about food, Soloh ordered carrot walnut cake. MUAHAHAHAHA. All I can say is that I stole cheese! The cake was right in front of me….just too tempting *drools* plus that is one of my favorite cakes.

10 ruppies. Ghandi is Soloh's new idol hehehe.

Jin and Dave and the choco cookie.

Yc and Amy.

Sean kor gheying with Soloh whahahaha.

Oh and I totally loved what Sean got for me from India! I love the green mirrored jewlery container and the bracelet (I think it will look good as an arm band too) Thank you Sean!

Soloh also got me a wooden fan when he was in Sabah. Reminds me of my aunts wedding fan. I like the wooden smell of the fan.

Sean said echo(“Hey we should do this more often!”); I totally agree. The road up and down Genting changed though. It takes longer to travel there, but the road is much safer.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

unwind at Luna Bar

Tonight was wOOt! My first ladies night out with my bestest buddy Jin! We had a great time at Luna Bar, and good wine too! We have got to do this more often. Pictures will be up soon. =)

The last time I went for a ladies only night out was way back in college years, back when ViVa was still open! This time it's only me and Jin. It's also our first duo night out. I have been wanting for us to go on this kind of outing since forever and at last we did! I still remember those days when I dream that one day, me and Jin would hang out without the guys. Just sit and chat and enjoy the bitching.

Dreams become reality now when we are both working. We are able to fork out that stack of money to chil.. It's just nice to be able to hangout ladies only and talk/bitch about our own stuff without the guys. No football, no cars, no girls.

By the way Luna Bar is a really nice place. It's my first time up there and boyyyy the place is really really nice. Good services, superb environment and interior, stunning view of the city and the KL tower, nice restrooms too! I will definitely be back there for more unwinding session. A little pricy, but all worth it.

Anyway, Sean is back from India! Got to met up with him soon. Sean kor, you owe me Indian curry!

Friday, August 12, 2005

I feel like I'm in a car's exhaust

It rained in KL this morning so the haze wasn't too bad. I thought it would worsen during the day but thank god it didn't. Surprisingly it got better! Weee! The air quality in PJ is much better too! No more smoke smelling air.

I was chatting with Daryan who is currently in Korea back at the office. He quoted a Korean reporter "I feel like I'm in a car's exhaust". The haze here are headlines for Korean newspapers.

I just hope the air continues to clear. Won't want it to affect the rave in PD next weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

We need water, not ice.

Bad headache. Painful eyes. Blurry vision. The smoky scent in the air is making me sick. The whole house is filled with polluted air...even the my work place. Arghhhh. Go dig your nose for 'gold', I bet you'll get black gold. If you do, I think it's time you get yourselves some cigarette buds and stuff it up your nose.

Lunch was on the company today. My manager didn't want us to going out with that thick haze so we all ordered McD's. The hotline was engaged though so my team leads drove and got us our lunches. If the air continues to worsen... lunch will be on the company again. ...Seriously, I don't want free lunches. I want clean air!!!

Can we sue Indonesia for this?

The half built building is about a 100 meters away from where I'm standing. This is how bad the haze is in KL. It's twice as worst in Port Klang.

This is taken from the Kelana Jaya LRT station, over looking the LDP at 5.45pm

The view of Petronas Twin Towers from my workplace at 5pm.

We need rain. Lots of rain. ...Ironically we had hailstorm instead. Rain la weiii not ice.

I think this will really hurt. Just imagine something hard that size falling a few thousand meters down from the sky and hitting you on the skin. Must be something like paintball....tho I think paintball will hurt much more.

Ice on weed grass. Garden of ice... looks quite beautiful actually.

Free Ice and Weed! ...hm... now where did I back up Dopewars?

Shit... feeling sick already.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

chocolate coated marshmallows

I had a really good day =) *smiles*

Work was great! I managed to work my way and discovered some tricks to work faster with XP and the slow network at my office. Really speeded up my work. I even ended up with some free time.

Someone really unexpected popped by my place to say hie too! No, he's not some chun hot Japanese guy from helpdesk. And no he is not someone I'm interested in. For now, I'm just glad that I’m projecting the correct image to get me where I want to go. Muahahaha. Things internally aren't that good though... not going to blog about that cos I might get into deep shit.

Since I left work on time today, I had time to catch Stealth. I personally think it's a really good show. I enjoyed it all the way. I didn't want to watch it at first. I thought it was going to be like some cliché Man Vs Machine kind of movie but I was really wrong. There was a twist to the movie that I really loved. Watching that movie reminds me of the feeling I felt when I watch Ghost in the Shell (though it's a different storyline all together) Stand Alone Complex, the anime. If you have the time and the money to spare, it's a movie you won’t want to miss.

As I was walking down to the LRT after the movies, I passed that a famous chocolate shop with their famous chocolate coated strawberry. The chocolates there really looked pretty and delicious (and expensive too! yikes). I couldn't resist myself so I bought myself 3 chocolate coated strawberries and a stick of chocolate coated marshmallows RM8.80. ...and I'm suppose to save.... so much for saving LOL! Anyway, they were really GOOD! Really delicious! I'll definitely go back for more when I have the $. There's also chocolate coated banana with nuts ...HAHAHA *ahem*... that I really want to try. That looked really good too.

Maybe eating chocolate makes me happy :) hmmmm nice.

When I thought the day couldn't be any better, it does. I was on the way home in the LRT when I got a 'tiny little message' that made me feel 'unique and rare' :) Thanks dude, really made me smile.

Ahhhh and then, Mom fried bihun for dinner today too and saved a really big plate for me. I chomp chompped it all down along with a bowl of red bean tong sui (and I usually hate taking tong sui...I think I'm learning to like it now) and another bowl of dan tong kua. *burb* No wonder I'm putting on so much weight!

Good day. Good Day....except for the haze, its getting worst and worst.

Monday, August 08, 2005

weird dream

I had a really weird dream about someone last night. Zac (not his real name) is a friend of mine whom I have just met for lest than a year. He's a nice chap, ok looking and all, and have a really beautiful girlfriend. There was once I spotted a chun chic from far and as I walked nearer I notice that this hot chic had her boyfriend's arms around her. This boyfriend was actually Zac. Anyway, in RL (real life) Zac and I have no romantic feelings what so ever.

In my dream, the scene goes like this....

We were in my PC room, that's like the usual handout place when my friends come over. We were surfing for digs and tricks and etc. The scene pass and I remembered dreaming about my parents driving out and leaving both of us alone at home. I mean in real life and in the dream I didn't think anything would have happen. I only usually have people I trust come over, so getting rape or killed or whatever wasn't an issue.

But anyway, when my parents left, things got really weird. Zac got really quiet and I didn't quite notice the change until I stood up to exit the PC room to get both of us some drinks. Before leaving, I remembered bending over to the keyboard to type some final search key on Google where out of the sudden! ....Zac grabbed me by my waist and hung me over his shoulders.

I panicked of course! I had no idea what was going to happen to me because #1 I didn't have enough energy to fight back. #2 what he did caught me by surprise.

He carried my out to the dinning table and actually placed me on the table like some delicate silk cloth or something. Slowly letting go of the back my neck so I won't hit my head on the hard surface of the table. I have no idea what the dinning table… weird.

He looked me in the eye.

At that moment, I was feeling like 'OMG I'm dead. I need to do something. What’s going on? Rapist!'. I wanted to kick his balls....HAHAHA. But I didn't because when I saw his eyes... I don't know la.. you know like those romantic soft gentle look ...he gave me one of those looks. (...actually when I think back....Whahahah geli man) Well anyway, his back was inches away from mine and he said "Chian... I have to tell you the truth...." Ok the rest is private :P I struggled to get free and I did get free. The dream ended there.

What's weird now is that when I see Zac... I feel really really weird. I mean I know it's just a dream... but somehow I'm afraid of him now. Just talking about him gives me the creeps. *bulu roma meremang*

Sunday, August 07, 2005

healthy coffee

I think it was about 9.30 to 10pm that night. It was the second or third night where my mother made me drink the slow boiled Chinese traditional medicine for my bronchitis. The smell was awful. I was determined not to drink the disgusting brown smelly bitter substance ever again.

I stared at the bowl of medicine...for a really long time. My mom got mad and gave me a ultimatum. To drink or to sleep outside the house. I gladly walked out the gates and sat there.

Yup. I really did plan to sleep outside beside the road. I sat outside without fear because the fear of the Chinese medicine was over powering sleeping alone outside the house.

30 minutes passes and then my dad who was keeping both eyes on me from inside the garden finally gave up. He couldn't let his daughter sit dangerously outside the house anymore. Mom was determined not to let Dad come after me but he came anyway. He persuaded me to drink my medicine.

I gave in... and went into the bowl of yucky medicine. I drunk it. ... and vomited.

Drinking the herbs the was prescribed me brought me memories of Chinese medicine that I HATE! …then again I hate taking medicine. …even Panadol or what so ever.

Herbs that was packed at the Chinese herbal pharmacy.

I had to boil the herbs with 3 bowls of water in the slow cooker until the water evaporates to 1 bowl.

This is when it's done. All the yucky bitterness is out from the herbs and into the water.

The 'healthy coffee' is ready. Yuck pui pui pui!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Blue Scren of Death

Error 1: You do not have permission to shut down and restart this computer. This was what prompted me to finally format my PC.

The famous Blue Screen of Death. I have no idea what happened here. Bill Gates must love me so much!

Wow another one! I must be famous! This one was my mistake. I can't use Windows Update due to some reason. I guess not updating (and formating my hard drive) any patches for 2 whole years made me blur is all 'this' kind of events. ...Tho I remember hearing about it here and there.

While waiting for my PC at work to get migrated, I had a little chat with the guy who was migrating for me. He kind of reminded me of some issues I have to take not of using 'Malaysian' softwares.

Using XP in the office PC is a pain in the arse. My PC works so much slower now. Since I don't have sufficient RAM, the OS is taking up a lot of paging file on the hdd. I have to wait a second just to change windows. ...This is going to affect my productivity. I have to find a way to work this problem. Damn. I really need to get more RAM too.

Yawnnn... got to catch up with sleep. Still have to fix up my other hdd tomorrow.