Thursday, September 29, 2005

Singapore Night

I had a superb night yesterday!

I met up with Yih Wen after work in KLCC to have dinner and then headed down to Zouk's Velvet Underground. We were there not to party, but to work. Jun Kun came a little later and then guess what?! It's such a small world. Bahir and Pearly were my workmates yesterday!

Anyway, the Singapore Night held in Velvet was a private invited only party to promote Singapore's night life. (They announced that Ministry of Sound and Cafe Del something something is opening in Singapore end of this year.) Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, India, China, Korea, Japan, England, America, Germany, Scotland... an god knows how many more countries. Beautiful mature males and females filled Velvet yesterday with dresses and suits, sipping on wine and some drinking their way to the toilet because it was a free flow event!

What did I do there? Well, Echo("So what else is there other than stand, smile and be pretty? "); me and Yih Wen became the ushers while Perly and Nadia (the other girl that was with us) were at the entrance. All of us were given scathes to wear....HAHAHA kind of like Miss Singapore. The guys were bouncers... though I think they were just lepaking. So nice...

Anyway is nice being able to meet people this way. I've learnt a lot by just smiling and saying ("This way please sir/mam" + "Good evening" + "Enjoy your night"); don't learn stuff like this in the office. Chatted with interesting people who hung around the entrance too. I also managed to hang in Velvet during the event because I was doing some other ushering work. I really liked the environment. I think if I was invited to private parties like this... I would definitely go.

By 12 midnight it was a warp for us but we hung around Velvet for a few FREE alcoholic drinks and some munchies. Since it was MJ Mambo Jambo night over at the Zouk main room, we decided to hangout there instead. Only managed to catch a glimpse of the MJ performance before it ended =( But all was still fun with the people I worked with. Ohh and I met Pek Yee and Lavinia too!!!! Have not seen them since my Taiwan dance trip 5 years ago!

Goshh.. really a fun night. Get paid. Free flow. No cover charge. Meet people and enjoy the abundant beautiful god's creation....HOHOHO got botak also HAHAHAHA if you know what I mean.

PC hung again

PC hung again. ....%$#@%*&(&^$*

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


No words can express how I feel right now. I'm just so so glad that my PC is safely back with me.

Ok just a quick update on stuff.

Wedding was ok.

Driving to work tomorrow! My first time driving there.

I'm moving cubicles at work next month. Will be sitting with one of my department's team leader. I wonder if that is good or bad. More about that next time.

Having a treasure hunt at work this Friday! wOOt!

New PSU (AGAIN! OMG this is my third one!) and a voltage regulator. The guy that helped me with my PC was kind of cute. hehehe :P

I miss Jin and the gang!

Ok... oh yeah, last but not least... TripleDash one two click!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Ending Procrastination

Ending Procrastination by Jim Rohn

Perseverance is about as important to achievement as gasoline is to driving a car. Sure, there will be times when you feel like you're spinning your wheels, but you'll always get out of the rut with genuine perseverance. Without it, you won't even be able to start your engine.

The opposite of perseverance is procrastination. Perseverance means you never quit.Procrastination usually means you never get started, although the inability to finish something is also a form of procrastination.

Ask people why they procrastinate and you'll often hear something like this: "I'm a perfectionist. Everything has to be just right before I can get down to work. No distractions, not too much noise, no telephone calls interrupting me, and of course I have to be feeling well physically, too. I can't work when I have a headache." The other end of procrastination - being unable to finish - also has a perfectionist explanation: "I'm just never satisfied. I'm my own harshest critic. If all the i's aren't dotted and all the t's aren't crossed, I just can't consider that I'm done. That's just the way I am, and I'll probably never change."

Do you see what's going on here? A fault is being turned into a virtue. The perfectionist is saying that his standards are just too high for this world. This fault-into-virtue syndrome is a common defense when people are called upon to discuss their weaknesses, but in the end it's just a very pious kind of excuse making. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with what's really behind procrastination.

Remember, the basis of procrastination could be fear of failure. That's what perfectionism really is, once you take a hard look at it. What's the difference whether you're afraid of being less than perfect or afraid of anything else? You're still paralyzed by fear. What's the difference whether you never start or never finish? You're still stuck. You're still going nowhere. You're still overwhelmed by whatever task is before you. You’re still allowing yourself to be dominated by a negative vision of the future in which you see yourself being criticized, laughed at, punished, or ridden out of town on a rail. Of course, this negative vision of the future is really a mechanism that allows you to do nothing. It's a very convenient mental tool.

I'm going to tell you how to overcome procrastination. I'm going to show you how to turn procrastination into perseverance, and if you do what I suggest, the process will be virtually painless. It involves using two very powerful principles that foster productivity and perseverance instead of passivity and procrastination.

The first principle is: break it down.

No matter what you're trying to accomplish, whether it's writing a book, climbing a mountain, or painting a house the key to achievement is your ability to break down the task into manageable pieces and knock them off one at one time. Focus on accomplishing what's right in front of you at this moment. Ignore what's off in the distance someplace. Substitute real-time positive thinking for negative future visualization. That's the first all-important technique for bringing an end to procrastination.

Suppose I were to ask you if you could write a four hundred-page novel. If you're like most people, that would sound like an impossible task. But suppose I ask you a different question. Suppose I ask if you can write a page and a quarter a day for one year. Do you think you could do it? Now the task is starting to seem more manageable. We're breaking down the four-hundred-page book into bite-size pieces. Even so, I suspect many people would still find the prospect intimidating. Do you know why?

Writing a page and a quarter may not seem so bad, but you're being asked to look ahead one whole year. When people start to do look that far ahead, many of them automatically go into a negative mode. So let me formulate the idea of writing a book in yet another way. Let me break it down even more.

Suppose I was to ask you: can you fill up a page and a quarter with words -- not for a year, not for a month, not even for a week, but just today? Don't look any further ahead than that. I believe most people would confidently declare that they could accomplish that. Of course, these would be the same people who feel totally incapable of writing a whole book.

If I said the same thing to those people tomorrow - if I told them, I don't want you to look back, and I don't want you to look ahead, I just want you to fill up a page and a quarter this very day - do you think they could do it?

One day at a time. We've all heard that phrase. That's what we're doing here. We're breaking down the time required for a major task into one-day segments, and we're breaking down the work involved in writing a four hundred-page book into page-and-a-quarter increments.

Keep this up for one year, and you'll write the book. Discipline yourself to look neither forward nor backward, and you can accomplish things you never thought you could possibly do. And it all begins with those three words: break it down.

My second technique for defeating procrastination is also only three words long. The three words are: write it down. We know how important writing is to goal setting. The writing you'll do for beating procrastination is very similar. Instead of focusing on the future, however, you're now going to be writing about the present just as you experience it every day. Instead of describing the things you want to do or the places you want to go, you're going to describe what you actually do with your time, and you're going to keep a written record of the places you actually go.

In other words, you're going to keep a diary of your activities. And you're going to be amazed by the distractions, detours, and downright wastes of time you engage in during the course of a day. All of these get in the way of achieving your goals. For many people, it's almost like they planned it that way, and maybe at some unconscious level they did. The great thing about keeping a time diary is that it brings all this out in the open. It forces you to see what you're actually doing... and what you're not doing.

The time diary doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Just buy a little spiral otebook that you can easily carry in your pocket. When you go to lunch, when you drive across town, when you go to the dry cleaners, when you spend some time shooting the breeze at the copying machine, make a quick note of the time you began the activity and the time it ends. Try to make this notation as soon as possible; if it's inconvenient to do it immediately, you can do it later. But you should make an entry in your time diary at least once every thirty minutes, and you should keep this up for at least a week.

Break it down. Write it down. These two techniques are very straightforward. But don't let that fool you: these are powerful and effective productivity techniques. This is how you put an end to procrastination. This is how you get yourself started.

To your success!

Friday, September 23, 2005

lady Rita

Update in brief.

My PC is still not working. Power supply and power plug problem I think. The power spike killed something in my PSU or motherboard? Not too sure. I'm sick of troubleshooting it so I'm sending it to the PC shop tomorrow.

Houston, ... yes lady Rita is killing everyone. My main counter part mainly are from Houston, many of them have been evacuated to Dallas under my company's disaster recover plan. If Houston goes now, I would not be able to do my work at all in the office. My applications and databases will not be assisible and I will not be able to send and recieve 3rd party emails. So people, heads up on this. If I don't reply your emails, you'll know what is happening.

Life is dead. No PC and internet at home. No emailing in at work. My disaster recovery plan... evacuate to the cyber cafe. And that's where I'm at now.

Colleague's wedding tomorrow. Another Ang Pow to give.

Need new shoes. New watch. New PC. Why is everything dying on me at the same time? The hole in my pocket is not helping either.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I need a power regulator.

I need a power regulator.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

PC hung on me again

PC hung on me again. PC fail to reboot again. LAN card was gone the last time this happen. Got the feeling is the power spikes I'm getting from the power plug. Got to get a power regulator.

Might get a new PC. ...or laptop. But that needs money.. and I need sometime researching on the specs.

I hate this CC too. IE is f***ed up.

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You won't see be here for a bit. Episode 4 of otF will be out late... or without me. The PC hung when me and TripleD was recording.

Damn it. How am I going to get my work done? Anyone with an extra PC or laptop? Loan it to me? ....sobb sobbb

Monday, September 19, 2005

Nut bra?

Edit: Download here. I've take this video out for good HCI practice


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Inner Mongolia

I was at Restaurant Inner Mongolia in Jalan Pudu for dinner just now with my family. DELICIOUS!!! OISHIIII!!! SEDAP!!! HOU SEK!!! I should have brought my cam to take pictures but I didn't so you all will just have to imagine the dish in your heads :P

Dish 1: "La Pi" Direct translation in English is "Pulled Skin". It's basically dried noodles, some strips of carrots and cucumber with Mongolian sauce. The self made noodles tasted like "Chee Cheong Fun" but the flour they used was less sticky and chewier. Very nice. The Mongolian sauce tasted like Curry Laksa with Wasabi and vinegar. Rating: 10/10

Dish 2: "Hong Sou Yang Rou Ku" Mongolian style lamb shank. Direct translation in English is "Red Burnt Lamb Shank". This is really really nice! But I don't recommend this dish to people who cannot take lamb/goat or cannot stand the smell of the meat. The 'sou mei' is really strong. I don't know how they did the lamb but it's really good. Some dried chilies and they also used a lot of spices found in Indian green curry and 'Muruku'. Rating: 10/10

Dish 3: "Suan Chai Pai Rou" Salted vegetable soup. Direct translation in English is "Salty Vegetables White Meat". Salted white long cabbage (the ones where they use to make 'Kim Chi', the Korean dish) soup boiled in (I think) all kinds of pig internals. Very thin slices of pork strips are also found in the soup with home made flour noodles which tasted like boiled Sago seeds. I think they might have crushed Sago seeds and used it to make the noodles. The saltiness of the soup was just nice. I really enjoyed it. Rating: 10/10

Dish 4: Mongolian Popia thingy. I forgot the name of the dish but basically it's like a Chinese version of the Tortilla. The dish came with Mongolian style Tortilla wraps the size of smaller than a CD, and stir fried pork Mongolian style with thin strips of raw celery. Just wrap the meat, vegetables with the skin and viola! A rating 9/10 into the mouth and into the stomach.

Dish 5: Stir fried celery, nuts and lily. This dish is actually not new to me. I've eaten this in other Chinese restaurants before. Basically it’s actually celery, cashew nuts and the petals of white water lily stirred fried together with some chicken sauce. Rating: 8/10

Dish 6: "Cuah Fen" Direct translation in English is "Catch Flour". This is actually pulled flour with a little bit of 'kau choy' (Direct translation in English is "Dog vegetables". Tasted like a plain version of the Taiwanese Pizza but less oil as (I think) the flour wasn't fried like the way Taiwanese Pizza is made. This came in a big portion because this Cuah Fen is actually eaten with all the rest of the dish. According to the waitress, if Mongolians do not eat rice, they would substitute the rice with Cuah Fen. Rating: 9/10 (eaten plain).

Dish 7: "Soo Ping" Fried vegetarian dumpling. Direct translation in English is "Vegetarian Biscuit". This is like 'Wooh Tip' but the flour used is much nicer and thinner. The fillings are actually scrambled eggs with 'kau choy'. My Mom, Bro and Sis ate a little of small dried shrimp in the Soo Ping but I didn't, supposed to be vegetarian right?... I think it was some kind of fried fermented beans. Shouldn't be seafood because Mongolia is like land land and land only right? Not sure about that. Rating: 7/10

With all that good food, the bill only came up to RM113. The cashier said in Mandarin "So I can collect RM120 from you right?" My mom didn't really 'process' what the cashier was saying so my mom just said yes. LOL! But RM120 is still cheap for all that GOOD FOOD! I really really like the place. Two thumbs up! I really recommend this restaurant to anyone who likes to try out new dishes. For those who enjoy food, this is a restaurant you would not want to miss.

They also have Mongolian steamboat in that restaurant too. We didn't try that but from the looks of it, the steamboat is like the typical China Chinese steamboat that we have already tried before. If you have no idea what\how China Chinese steamboat looks or taste like, then you should really head to Inner Mongolia or Restaurant Red Chili "Hong Lat Chiu" (also located some where in Pudu. They have 3 red chilies as their restaurant’s logo) to check it out. Restaurant Red Chilie however serves more to the Sei Chuan style dishes.

Bwahahahaha yum yum!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

haze allergy

Okay so I over exaggerated my previous post, but that only proved another ugly fact to me...

Anyway if you are wondering why I'm blogging in the afternoon on a weekday, that is because I'm at home and not in the office. I'm given a chance to work from home from now onwards. .... AHAHAHAH yeah right I SO WISH I COULD DO THAT.

I was actually quite sick yesterday. My headache was killing me and I was freezing in the office. I had a slight fever in the evening and by the time I was at my dance class, I was dying to get back home to sleep. Although I know I would be 'healthy' enough to go to work, I didn't. I slept in and took a sick leave today! HOHOHO!

The doctor said I'm having a haze allergy. Yes, the haze is back, although only a little. All the dust and bad air is clogging up my brain! There's nothing I can do about that except drink lots of water and the normal bla bla stuff. I have to remember to rest more because I'm not getting enough sleep for the past few months. Got to sleep early to sleep early.

Things at work are getting really busy. I have no time for breaks anymore. Sometimes when I know I can finish my work on time, some meeting, problem or new task pops up. *signnn* Working with problematic software and minimal RAM is really a problem. Having your applications crash on you at least trice a day is not fun.

...hmmm speaking about crashing, my PC fail to boot when I got back home yesterday. My sis got screwed big time by me because she was using it when it hung. Thank god it wasn't any virus. I found out that my LAN card died.

I'm on medical leave, so is my PC. LOL!

On and before I forget, otF On The Fence episode 3 is out! Get it here! The show notes are available at otF.

Monday, September 12, 2005

No longer the 'follower'

This is me.... in a different way. I have always been listening to my parents on this, and that. Though sometimes I don't agree with what they have to say, I feel obligated to follow their ideas and comments. How long am I going to continue to be like this? How long am I going to let me be a living puppet of my parents? How long am I going to pretend that I am glad that I have followed their way? How long am I going to be a corruptted success of my parents? ...HAHAHA wait, corrupt yes, but success ...

I have made a decision. It took me quite sometime to finally decise. I'm going to do it my own way. If I'm wasting time, it's my time I'm wasting, no one else. After all, I think I won't be wasting my time. I will take part, struggle and learn, and be glad that I have fought well. I’ll definitely learn, that iss what the whole idea is about.

Will my parents be ok with it? Will they think I'm soil and not gold? How will people look at me? What will people think of me? Will they go Echo("OMG why? Damn stupid man, She's wasting her time");? Will they look down on me? Will they pity me? I don't know. And I don’t care.

We all think differently. People might think it’s a waste of time and energy, but they might be wrong. I look for different things in life. I think this is what I want to do. So, if all scenarios go according to my prediction, I'm going to do it, no matter what. I’m not letting anyone influence me with this decision.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

What a moron

Tom: So what are you doing this weekend?
Me: Nothing much, just my own thing. Just need to rest and relax. I need my quiet time.
Tom: Oh, okay. But I thought you will be going back to Pangkor?
Me: Errr, yeah I was planning to, wanted to accompany my grandma but we had a change of plans. *I'm wondering how he knew that I was planning to go to Pangkor... no one knew except one or two of my colleagues.*
Tom: Oh how come change of plans?
Me: Stuff came up.
Tom: Oh.... what kind of stuff?
Me: Huh... errr ... *long pause*
Tom: When you going back? Or not going already? What kind of family stuff?
Me: *WTHHHHHHHH you want to become Sherlock Holmes or what? Can't you tell that you are invading my privacy? What in hell so I want to tell you all the small little details about my life!???!* Har?.... er don't know ler.
Tom: Ohhh so last minute planning again? Seems like you do a lot of last minute thing one hor? Eh you haven answer my question, what came up?
Me: Yeah, last minute planning. My family likes to do things rather spontaneously sometimes. Plans don't usually work out because of that. But then I think we are all used to that already. Life is a little more exciting like that. *I choose to ignore his second question again, and I had to elaborate on the 'change of plans' just to satisfy his curiosity'.
Tom: Oh I'm also like that. But you do it quite often woor, every time I talk to you also like all last minute stuff one? Ehhhh what change of plans??
Me: *WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? &^!@#^%#!#&$@#&#$ How do i answer this kind of question? and for god's sake GET THE F***ing HINT that I do not want to answer your blardy question*

Note: The above is not real, just a sample scenario.

I have been asked a lot of investigative questions these days by certain persons. Yeeashhhh! What is wrong with people! Can't they mind their own business? If you want to strike a conversation or maintain one, PLEASE GET THE HINT when your conversation partner do not want to reveal stuff and PLEASE respect their privacy. What I do during my personal time is none of your fringing beeswax. Comprehende`?! And come on, what do you get by investigating on people? Do you need to know all the tiny bits and pieces about everyone? It's annoying!

I don't mind 'updating' my good friends on all these tiny details but when it comes to other people, it just gets on my nerves when they ask too much questions. I really don't want to be complaining but I can't stand it anymore.

Let me tell you all a fact, never get into the negative zone of a female. Once you fall into that zone, what ever you say or do will be interpreted negatively by that female. Maybe these people that are asking me all these questions are already in my negative zone because everything they say and do some how seem to irritate the hell of out me.

And also one more thing, everyone should get real. Don't be fake because (Personally I think all of you are highly intelligent people but) you really project yourselves as dumb@$$es when you do that. Why do people fake something when its so obvious to the world? What a moron to think that one would not notice.

And before anyone asks, Yes, I'm not in a good mood, so spare me your questions.

This is so not my energy meter for today.... and StreamyX sucks.

Friday, September 09, 2005

He's butt naked

I'm in his room now, and he's half naked behind of me. He's dressing up, .... shirt on, pants down.... I love him so much....


But he's really behind me dressing up with his shirt on and pants down....muahahahaha ..ahemmm. I'm in Zhong's place now taking over Carson's place ..con't

Echo ("When girls touch my nippies... then they'll go down to the vodafone they go OHHHH ahhhhh steammmmm");

con't... He's actually trying out a few different looks for a up and coming important event and I'm here to critique muahahaha. To bad I don't have my cam with me if not I would have posted some pictures of the different looks\style that he tried on. con't...

con't... muahahhahaha Zhong's mom can cook! She's even got recipes out on magazines! An you know what, she knows how to cook Lui Char too!!! I tried her homemade dumplings before ...superb stuff and just now I tried her home made kim chee! OMG yummylicious!!! I've got to eat here more often! *hint hint*

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I actually WON!

Dear all,

Thank you to all of the above!

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR VOTING FOR ME! I really appreciate the your votes and the time you have put into actually register and click that Vote Now button. I know many of you were confused and got frustrated just by registering and stuff due to the emailing problem and confusing interface, thank you so much!

Thank you mom! Mommy actually put more effort in getting people to vote for me. She got her customers to vote! Thank you bro and sis! Got vote from their friends too. And to all of my cousins, a few of them really went to mile to get people to vote for me. And people at Mash.Com.My!!! wOOt! They helped out a lot with the last minute voting! (I hope Kinki is reading this cos I'm linking you guys!)

Wait ...I'm not done yet, sorry la, I know it's not the Oscars, but really appreciate everyone's vote.

Thank you all Big Head Big Hat readers! And Friendster kaki! APIIT Gang! My colleagues! All those responded to me email! Thank you for all those who I don't know and just voted for me, you don't know how muchhh I want to thank you. And not forgetting twenty@HWM whom from day one (and my first voter too!) supported me in HWM forum.

*phewww* Last but so so not the least, those who monitored today's poll. I don't have web access at work, so quite a few actually kept me posted. And I think they posted some votes for me at the same time =)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Vote before the poll closes!

Deadline for voting is on Thursday, 8 Sep 05 at 4.28pm. So all, I desperately need your help to win. Those who have not voted, please vote for me...please please will all the yummy stuff on top. I know I might not the hottest or prettiest of the bunch but I tell you I definitely will appreciate your votes and the geek stuff from Apacer and HWM if I win.

Register all your emails to vote for me! Tolong sikit la yah... I know many of you have multiple emails. (like me hehe) Desperate liua...very kiasu liua. Ask your friends, family and workmates too! .... :) :P

Cast your vote for me, Toh Ee Chian.

How? See below.

You will have to register at first. You will then get a confirmation email sent to your inbox. (Note: Don't use Streamyx account because Streamyx blocks the mail) All you have to do is click on the confirmation link and you can vote. Next, you will have to login (if you are not automatically logged in) at and then visit the voting page ( Click on the Vote Now button and vote for me!

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Thank you thank you!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Zen Neeon MP3 Player Infected with Windows Wullik Worm Virus

Hm, I know Amy picked up a Zen at the recent PC Fair... Creative is in big trouble. *geng geng geng*

A lot of events unplanned, some planned but put on hold or canceled. I guess life is like that. We can't always expect things to go along with our wishes. Echo("You can plan a perfect picnic, but you can't predict the weather"); It's time for me to do some thinking again. Life have been hectic lately, I didn't really have the time or the energy to reflect on the things I have been doing.

It's already September, three and a half months from I would most probably be in a different company. Yeah, it's time to update my CV, start hunting for that 'dream job' and start writing eye catching and impressive cover letters. Doing all those are easy. The thoughest decision is to actually decide on what I want.

if (i=Work?)

printf("What kind of job so I want? Stick back to the IT line? If so, hardware or software? Become a programmer? Don't really have umph to be one. Do support work? Interesting but what happen if I end up doing help desk work?! No No! So IT sales? Or should I go into something that is new to me...maybe like some arty stuff. Become a one (wo)man IT person for a fine arts company? I think I wouldn't mind that =). But apa buat apa? WHAT DO I WANT?!");

else if (i=Study?)

Echo("This is even worst that looking for a job. What should I study? Masters of what? Do technical Masters or what? I don't have enough experience to know what I like or to know what I want to study. Not enough experience for MBA too. Experience is a must...I won't want to waste time and money on something I'm unclear of. Part time? Full time? or should I take another degree that is non IT related? I always wanted to study I can but do I really want to?

printf("Slack and leach from my parents? Open a restaurant\small little food stall. Muahahhaah *drools* A stall that sells all unique dishes, weird recipes and my favorite food like crispy chocolate cheese cake, mix fruit fried rice, olive chicken rice, double chocolate oats cookies, rum and raisins dark chocolate, all sorts of pasta, ...wahahha and the list goes on... *droolsss* ");

*sign* decisions decisions decisions.

I also want to be left ALONE. Why don't certain people understand. Really want to %^#$#&^%(* when people don't get it. Rahhhh!

I think the best option now is to look for jobs or study away from home. That way I'll get all the alone time I want. Yes, I'm selfish. So sue me.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ying Ying is BACK!

Me and Ying. Yep the woman is finally back from UK. She gave me a ring earlier pretending to be someone from Maxis. I couldn't recognize her voice because ...well she picked up some British accent. But... I know Ying when I talk to her!

Ying, Sean and I met up on 1Utama for dinner. We had a really long chat. We actually talked till Old Asia (located at the lower ground floor, opposite Paoz, very nice place with good food) was closing. We headed to a food court near Ying's place for second round. Satay was good there! Yum yum.

Anyway, Ying told us plenty about UK, the people, the food, the students, the lecturers, the life. Very interesting stuff. Stuff you will not encounter and face in Malaysia, stuff you would never experience living a lone in Kuala Lumpur. When is it my turn?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Types of girls

HARD DISK GIRLS: she remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM GIRLS: she forgets about you the moment turn her off.

WINDOW GIRLS: everyone know that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

SCREENSAVER GIRLS: She is good for nothing but at least she is fun.

INTERNET GIRLS: Difficult to access.

SERVER GIRLS: Always busy when you need her.

MULTIMEDIA GIRLS: She makes horrible things look beautiful

CD-ROM GIRLS: She is always faster and faster.

EMAIL GIRLS: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense .

VIRUS GIRLS: Also known as "wife''. When you are not expecting her, she comes, install herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her, you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Kor!

Happy birthday kor kor!

Spend my day cooking a basic page for and finally fitted the stuff in. The whole site is not complete yet, but...aiyah... that have to do for now. Had not enough brain juice to think of my text to put in.

Also sumbited my umbrella and extended umbrella entry called Payung Gemilang in the Merdeka Blogger Project.

Oh.. anyone tried Google Talk yet? I love the audio alert with I get incoming calls!