Friday, October 28, 2005

Henna Tatoo

Henna Tatoo
Echo(“ Henna is an old Indian traditional body art which uses natural dyes and herbs to create a red-brown stain on the skin.

When you first go to get henna applied, it looks like a pack of green, stinking mud. So the initial look is kind of disturbing. The initial application is cool because it dark and contras with any skin type nicely.

After it dries, it acts like a dye for the top layer of the skin, not unlike a real tattoo, except it is semi-permanent and reddish-brown in color. “); Taken from the advertisement board of the Henna Tatoo booth.

If I’m not wrong, Henna can be also used to dye hair. Since Henna contains no chemicals, quite a number of ladies with visible white hair use Henna as a natural dye for their hair. The white hair won’t turn black, but reddish brown in color. Henna comes in a small powder format packs that are sold in Indian sundry shops. One pack cost less than RM2 and is enough to dye a whole head!

Anyway, the reason I’m writing this is because I got myself a Henna Tatoo today.

The Henna artist first took a few drops of medicated oil (Minyak Chap Kapak actually) and applied it to my skin. Actually, any oil will do. She then drew the Henna art on my hand. It took her about 15 minutes.

I left the Henna on my hand for about one and a half hour until it is dried. As advised by the Henna arties, I applied oil (baby oil or even cooking oil will do) to the Henna again to make the color more permanent and outstanding to the skin. After it dried, I washed the Henna off and violah!

If any of you are interesting in getting one yourself, you can head down to Suria KLCC concourse area from now till this coming Tuesday (Nov 1st) RM8 for the back of the palms, RM10 for the back of the palms and fingers. They also do the feet but then I think you would have to sit there until it dries before you can wear your shoes\sandals again.

perfect moment is silence


The most perfect silence is when there’s no need to speak.
The most perfect silence is when there’s no need to explain.
The most perfect moment is when we just enjoy perfect silence.

Don’t you see what I’ve long for? I long for, that moment to come.


I can never agree more. Sometimes we all have to learn how to just shut (the F***) up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

killing the .tk

I realized that quite a number of visitors are still using to reach here. Dear beloved readers, I will be unregistering the .tk domain end of this month. You can access this page directly at Why am I doing this? Well, it's fun having .tk, and I think I have been using the .tk free domain for quite sometime, but I want more control over my site\pages\links. So for those who have linked me at, I really appreciate if you could update your links to Thanks!

Things have been really busy lately. I really need a good rest, and a nice week holiday week alone.

Deepavali and Raya holidays are coming, that means more backlog++; after the holidays. Christmas and New Years holidays in December, that means backlog ++; Chinese New Year in January right? backlog = backlog++ ^ 3; ...hahahah wrong syntax... Anyway, I think I'm going to suffer for this few months.

So when can I have my nice week long STRESS FREE holiday. It's got to be after all that holiday so that someone at work can be my backup. At least I won't get too much of backlogs smacking me right in the face when I come back from the holiday what way.

I have been postponing my holiday every month now... I wonder when I'll stop giving myself excuses and really take off on a holiday. Ish... It's sad when I know I'm lying to myself....anyone interesting to backpack with me?

Monday, October 24, 2005

subscribe to otF

otF : On The Fence Episode 08 is out and now, you can click to subscribe at


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Driving, without the car

Hm, today is quite fun. I try something new. I went driving, without the car ;P

We went to Sunway Xtream Park's driving range for a few swings.

Hm....he doesn't look like him in the reflection. Some how he looks like someone else.

Anyway, this was my spot. Nice number right? HAHAHAHA.

Since this was my first time holding the clubs, I kind of sucked. ...Actually... I really sucked hehehe. Golfing looks so relaxed and smooth on TV but you should have seen my swings and movements. I was stiff as a robot and I couldn't get myself to 'let go'. I found it quite difficult to relax my arms while making my swings.

I also have no idea until today that there's a special way to grip the clubs. Right hand below the left, with the left index finger in between the right ring finder and twinkie finger. When gripping, the left thumb under the right thumb\palm. It's really not a comfortable position, but I think it works well for grip. I wouldn't want my club to fly with the gold ball when I swing!

My left palm begun to hurt after a few swings. I wasn't wearing any gloves so I guess that can't be helped. I would have gotten blisters if I made more swings.

It's Zhong actually.

Might be going back next week for some driving! to practice my swings. (Now I understand why golfers say that)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

How much would you pay for garlic spread?

You know.... I've been thinking for quite sometime now. I want to write and publish a book. Not online, but on paper, for real.

I know I'm not an expert on anything so the idea of writing a book seems a little too far away. Having no time back at college... well I had time, but I guess my time was ... how should I put this ... my time was devoted to a certain someone... that I totally forgot that I wanted to come up with a book!

Anyway, when a certain ocean creature gave me one of his books *wink you know who you are* it reminded me of what I once wanted to do. The idea of publishing something still floats in and out of my mind every now and then. In the LRT I would dream of my book. I sometimes spend some sleepless nights coming up with something for a book.

Some of you might me laughing away already, rolling all over the floor and maybe even finding yourself short of breath because you laughed too hard. ...I bet this came to your mind Echo("OMG! You must be kidding?! Write a book? You can't even spell correctly on your blog and your grammar sucks!"); Well, that I already know. I have always been having problems with spelling and grammar, and my vocabulary isn't that impressive either but, should I let that stop me?

The answer is obviously NO.

I know I want to do it, but knowing is not enough. I need to set myself a target. A time frame maybe. At the rate I'm going, all I do is dream. My dream is not going to come true if I don't put things to actions. ... so ... OK YOSH! Going to start planning.

First things first... where do I start? (Ok, you can start laughing now HAHAHAHA ...) I need to do some research.

Oh, another question. How much would you pay for some homemade 250g (that's one standard block of butter) garlic spread?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The cat

This post is classified as 16sx. If you are 16 and below, consult your parents first. ....LOL who am I kidding. Read on.

Note: All names are faked.

*ching ka ching* *ching ka ching* ...she walks by..

Her long lustrous straight black hair sways from left to right as she strut down the walk way. Small waist line and beautiful long legs.

The noise you just heard was from her bell, her bell from her anklet. She walked by a few times now... enough to make people notice her. *ching ka ching* *ching ka ching*

Lilian asked Echo("Loceng dia selalu berbunyi, dia tu macam kuching langsing hitam", Her bell rings everytime she walks, she's like a sleek black cat);

Kenny who focus on his screen looked up, and said Echo ("Macam tu, itu satu kuching saya rela bela", Well then, she's one cat I'm willing to take care of);

Zac said Echo("Saya rasa dia tu suka 'pussy' cat saje", I think he is just interested in the 'pussy' cat);

... *shakes my head* No comment.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

otF Episode 7 is out

otF Episode 7 is out. Check it out here. And here's another short clip of me when I was young. This was actually recorded in a man made cave for a Chinese television series. And you know what is so special about this scene? ...the chubbier boy in the scene is actually my bro.

I'm in a no brainer mood today, so I’ll leave you with some stuff which requires no brain juice.

(1)Who did you last go out with?
Mom and sis. We had dinner in a really good vegetarian restaurant some where off Jalan Pudu with some relatives.

(2) What do u want to receive on your birthday?
Hahaha refer to otF episode 7. My first suggestion. LOL!

(3) Reach your hand out to the right. What do you touch?
My mic.

(4) What time did you sleep last night?
Hm ...I was up till 5 am. Couldn't sleep again but manage to finish off all my housework! I wonder if that is good or bad.

(5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
The blueish windows XP wallpaper. Was using something from last time but kind of lost the image when I reformatted my PC.

(6) What are you going to do 5 hours later?
Most probably be meeting up with Yih Wen... or already sleeping.

(7) Is there anyone you're thinking of now?

(8) What was the last thing you touched before the computer?
Kit Kat.

(10) What can you hear besides the computer?
Listening to Trancesphere Second Birthday Bash In The Mix on Winamp. 1 hour trance live set. Quite old stuff but still nice.

(11) Why did you answer this?
Feeling like blogging but didn't have the brain power think. So I decided to use all this Friendster questions as my content.

(12) Do you agree to the saying "Forgive is to forget"?
No. You can forgive and but not forget. You can also forget, and not forgive.

(13) When, where was the last time you teared?
Hah... talking about Honey Clover with Jin last Saturday.

(14) What makes you happy?
Define happy.... what kind of happy? What is happy? ..... Nothing can make happy, yet everything can make me happy.

(15) What makes you sad?
This is like the Happy question. above, replace happy with sad.

(16) What are your favorite books?
So far still Anne Rice and Dan Brown's books.

(17) What would you like to have right at this very second that seems totally impossible?
Nothing. Everything I want is all possible.

(18) Who will u turn to if you have a huge problem that not all your friends know about?
Myself. But if it's really a problem I know I can't handle, I would turn to my closest buddies.

(19) What are your favorite songs at the moment?
None.... still like Just be by DJ Tiesto.

(20) What was the last song that kept ringing on?
None at the moment.

(21) What was the best event that happened last year?
Last year ah... my graduation and my 21st birthday? And maybe the Sepang rave after my final exams is good, that's because of all that stress lifted of me and alcohol LOL!

(22) Last place you have been to:
A vegetarian restaurant in KL. Read question 1.

(23) You are:
lack of $$$ to carry out my projects!!!

(24) They say you are:
the Fern Leaf girl.

all my troubles seems so far away.

(26) Last person who texted you?
Wendy. Saw her little Samuel and Sheena! Both of them so cute and both have goo goo dolls eyes!

(27) Last name in your received calls?

(28) How old are you?
Old enough to be called aunty, but still young enough to be called che' che'. Read question 21 for hint.

(29)What song are u listening to?
See question 10.

(30) Last thing you bought for yourself:
Black working skirt.

(31) I want to:
watch a scary movie alone.

(32) I really hate:
when technology fails when I need it the most.


(33) Cried in school?
Yes. But I don't remember when and why.

(34) Ran away?
From what? From home, no. From other stuff, yes.

(35) Had your heart broken?

(36) Cried when someone died?

(37) Broken a bone?


(38) Person u hate most?
Hate is a strong word. I don't hate anyone, but I have a few that I dislike.

(39) Makes u laugh d most?
The Lembu, Kerbau and Kambing at work! Hahahah Lembu is away in China ...miss the lembu la.

(40) Makes u smile?
The simplest stuff... sometimes listening to digg or twit makes me laugh.


(41) Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?
No. Actually I hate getting calls at night, especially when I'm trying to finish my work or about to sleep. Breaks my darn concentration.

(42) Chat online?
Yes. But I also chat offline. LOL!

(43) Save emails?
Yes, especially when it comes to work.

(44) Wish u were someone else?


(45) Do you get jealous easily?
I'm not sure. I don't think so.

(46) What have u been doing these past few days?
Working, recording otF, shopping, baking and getting some miscellaneous stuff done.

(47) What are you thinking about now?
How to make some extra few bucks to cover this months expenses.

(48) What did you do last night?
Record otF episode 7.

(49) What did you last say to a friend last night?
Ok, bye.

(50) When will you marry?
I'll let you know when I can predict the future or when\if I get married, which ever comes first.

(51)When did u last receive a gift?
Last week when my mom back from Bangkok.

(52) When did you last drink alcoholic beverages?
Last Saturday when I was out with the APIIT gang.

(53) What was your greatest bet ever made?
Not sure if I have actually made serous bets before.

(54) Is all fair in love?
Fair is not in the vocabulary of love.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Over spending

I am so so over spending this month!!!

I was at Mid Valley's Metrojaya at today for The Malaysian Women's Weekly 5th Birthday Super Saver Shopping (Yeah rite, makes me spend more! LOL!). As the first 300 person with the Super Saver Shopping card can redeem freebies worth RM200. I think a herd of female barbarian shoppers barged in the shopping area when the gates were up. Why I think that? Well, I was there 10.11am and I see shoppers everywhere with the freebies paper bags and I overheard some ladies commenting Echo("Aiyah, not worth our rush also, all also cheapskate stuff one?"); I went ahead and look for the area where I could get my paper bag of freebies and lucky me, I was the last few that got it. For shoppers information, 300 paper bags of freebies will be given out at 10am and 3pm for 15th and 16th October. So if anyone missed out, and really kiasu, you can camp at the counter before the stated time.

What was in the bag of freebies? Well, it's not all junk, and I thought it was rude for the lady to say everything in the bag was cheapskate. It's all promotional stuff but hey, you are getting it for free lady, why complain?

1. 4 X 250ml of Dutch Lady milk. 2 in chocolate and 2 in banana flavor. Yep, they came with up the banana flavor too! But I still prefer HL banana flavored milk (less sweet).
2. 200ml of Ellgy Hydro Blanker shower creme.
3. Kanebo International Voucher worth RM40 (hand smoothening treatment, mini facial, eye or lip makeover) What's a eye and lip makeover?
4. Pathlab RM50 savings voucher for 18ks health screening. I think my mom or dad should have this.
5. 2 X Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Original Ice Blended (in Small) voucher!
6. Eucerin cleansing gel, intensive lotion and protective lotion all in 25ml tester bottle.
7 And last but not the least, a 3.5ml Estee Lauder MagnaScopic mascara.

After shopping in Metrojaya, I went around the Mega Mall looking for shoes. I can't seem to find the perfect set of heels. =( Have been looking for a good\nice pair for 2 months already! I really need to get one soon because the strap of my current 'perfect' heels is not so perfect.

Went to look at watches too but ....*sign* good and lasting watches are so so so expensive. Anyone have any recommendations for ladies watches? I need something for all occasions. Sometimes I find myself frustratingly staring at my empty wrist. I panic when I can't tell the time!

USD2.99 per year for a domain in Yahoo. RM100 per year 1gig web hosting. Very tempted to get my own space. Really really tempted. But the question is, do I really need it now? I know I want it. Have always wanted my own webspace. *sign* ...why this month? Should I continue to spend? I have already spend some money on fixing the darn PC.

I guess I will have to postpone my holiday plan. I actually wanted to go to either Cameron, Fraser’s Hill or Genting during this fasting month. I even wrote down the agenda (and did some gambling research) if I were to go to Genting! ...Hm...maybe I should be going to Genting. I might get lucky in the Casino. Then I won't have to worry about paying off all that end of the year 'taxes' too! ... *dreaming* I think I'll just go to the Zoo.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

tak puasa ker?

One of my colleague is from Sarawak who is Iban mix Chinese. Her dad is dark and so her skin is relative tan. Many times when mixing with new friends, they will think that she's Malay. I know how annoying (and some times insulting) it is to be mistaken to be another race... I've been there.

Since it's the fasting month now, quite a number of people have been giving her the stare when she eats during fasting hours. Some have even stopped her from eating and made remarks like Echo("Eh apa ini, kita kan semua dalam Islam, mesti puasa lah!"); and some like Echo("Eh tak puasa ker?" *gives the shake the head no no stare*); I have personally heard people saying the ‘puasa’ statement to her and seen the people giving her the stare while paying for her food.

She came complaining to me today when this happened to her yesterday. She took out a bun to munch during the after work jam in KL yesterday. While being stuck in the slow crawl in Jalan Ampang, this man on her right wound down his window and signal her to wind hers too. She did, as she thought that something might be wrong with her car. The man said Echo("Dik, tak tahan ker?");

That really blew her top because people just simply made assumption that she was Muslim and should be fasting just by looking by skin color.

My question is, isn't it rude to say\ask this kind of questions without really knowing the whole story behind a person not fasting? I mean if she was a Muslim and suppose to be fasting; she might be sick and might not be fasting during that day. I also do know that ladies who are having their period may choose not to fast too. Do other people have the right to stop another person from eating during the fasting period?

I think people who are not fasting should respect the people who are by trying not to talk about food or eating in front of them. But on the other hand, people who are fasting should also respect those who are not fasting (Muslim or non Muslim).

I believe fasting is a personal thing. (I'm referring to other religion as well, like Christians, Hindus and Buddhists) You don't have to enforce it to anyone, or tell anyone that you are fasting. It's all personal. What's the point of making it all a big fuss? Where's the sincerity to it then?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Unit Internal Assessment

otF On the Fence episode 6 is out!

Have been really busy at home and at work for the pass few days. Having my Unit Internal Assessment for this whole three weeks so this will be hellish for me. I will be audited by 2 guys from Curitiba (That's in Brazil) and guess what? One of them is the securities and controls person for Brazil. Die die....

Anyway, I came across recordings of advertisements and TV series I acted in back when I was a kid when I was cleaning out my CD collection the other day. This Fern Leaf milk power advertisement was one of them. I think I was about 6 when I did this. My first .....HAHAHA I sucked in this one.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Honey and Clover

It's normal to hear that people cry in movies. It's normal to tear and feel sad reading a book. But I think I just reached a state where it's totally abnormal.

I teared talking about a Japanese anime. It's weird.

During our gathering at Passion, I had quite a long chat with Jin about Honey and Clover. It's the best and most real storyline that I can relate to. I think most of us can really relate to the story actually. I didn't realise I was to into the anime and character until I started feeling sad talking about some of the scenes from the anime. My eyes filled up with water and I teared. I think if I didn't control myself, I could have cried!

Honey and Clover is a really good anime. It's funny, but serious when things have to be serious. Not everyone would enjoy this kind of anime, but for those who do, I think this would be one they would definitely recommend to others. For those who are watching ita... ahhh I guess you know what I'm talking about. Not really sure if you feel deeply for the anime as I do though.

Hagu was so young and innocent at heart at first. She's so dependant on Shu-chan, but as the story evolved, her character became stronger and more independent. She starts thinking about her future and the people around her... and I think that's when all the stress comes and that is when she looses her inspiration for her art work. Echo("What she needs now aren't stupid phrases like "What's wrong? I'll listen." Those won't reach her. She's gone to battle.");

Shu-chan (The sensei) is Hagu's caretaker. Througout the whole anime until the last few episodes I have really no comment on his character. To me, he seems to be like the adult version of Takemoto because when he sees Takemoto, he knows what he is going through and I think it was great that he gave Takemoto's artwork (the tower) a name. In the later few episodes, the sensei reveals some of his feelings and I felt that he is actually finally being not selfish by letting Hagu make her own decisions. All this while he kept her close to him for his own reasons until when he realise that is Hagu truely unhappy. I don’t think he knows how to handle this situation too. Hagu is just so fragile.

The main guy in Honey and Clover is Takemoto and his journey to self discovery. In this anime, I think he thinks the most about his life. He observes everyone, and collects information for his journey to self discovery without knowing it himself. I feel that he has learnt much with his conversations with Hagu, Sensei, Morita, and everyone. I think he learnt a great deal from Morita.... maybe that's because he realised that Hagu and Morita had a special bond and he would never understand. He thinks really deep, and reflects back on his actions.

*He opens the fridge* ...Echo("It's empty:); *thinks while he cycles* Echo ("Oh, that's right. This is the sound of emptiness.");

Morita is the most mysterious character in the anime. Somehow I feel that he doesn't need to study. He has his CIA kind of job and being a student is just a cover up. He's goofy but he takes note about his surroundings and can actually be dead serious when he wants to. He is another character that I would like to explore. I think he's very intelligent. As for his bond with Hagu, I think they have something special that no other can understand. That's because Hagu's dislike Morita in the beginning, but Hagu slowly realised that Morita was actually sensitive with her feelings, her wants and needs. I think Morita loves Hagu, but he is holding it back... for what reasons? I don't know...

Yamada is a sad case. She's stuck in a love situation where the person she loves (Mayama) loves another. I feel so much for her character. She tries to get on with life (lying to hersef) but find herself unable to avoid the obvious truth. Nomiya, Mayama's colleague who is going after her made her realised that Mayama can not be replaced. The best solution is to... I don't know, she has not figured it out yet. ....But I'm glad she has Morita's hand to hold.

Why is it that...
On TV and in magazines...
Love is fun gleaming with colours of happiness.
My love is...
Why is it so...
Heavy and...
And unpleasant...

There's more to Nomiya too. He and the Ferris Wheel. Some how I feel there's a whole new story behind Nomiya and why he stand a far admiring the Ferris Wheel. Something tells me that he was hurt very deeply in his previous relationship and his situation was something like Yamada’s when he said ("No, it's okay. That's something that is better seen afar"); He was referring to the Ferris Wheel when Mayama asked him if he wanted to ride it. He rode it with Yamada in the end, but the ride turned out to be quite different that he has imagined.

Mayama loves Yamada, although he has no romantic feelings towards her. And not until the later episodes, Mayama was actually over protective of her. Only later when being told that if he is still the way he is, Yamada would never move on. For Yamada it's like I think she feels that she has hope, but Mayama's action has only got to do with friendship love. I guess the hardest part for Mayama is learning to let Yamada think for herself, and to let her go (to Nomiya) although he feels uncomfortable. (and I can sense a bit of jealousy going on because Mayama sees Nomiya as his rival\idol) know what, you just have to watch the anime to understand and really feel what I feel. I can't believe I spent so much time typing all this out too! Oh mannnn... I'm such an otaku by doing this! ...OMG and it's almost 7am... I'm supposed to be sleeping already!!!!!! maybe not, I think I'll wake my Dad up for dim sum.

Last quote from Honey and Clover, echo("God, to cry because you have something you want to do, and to cry because you can't find it, which is more painful? The only thing I can tell is, even with all the words I have now, all I feel is just endless.");

Note: This is my views as of Episode 22. I have not watched the remaining episodes yet. My views might change as the I watch the final 2 episode.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

otF was out on Wednesday

I think I forgot to mention, episode 5 of otF On the Fence is out on Wednesday.

I think most of you otF listeners read new episode updates from here, so I guess I have to make it a habit to update both sides. But if you are on RSS, feed in for otF.

Episode 6 will be out soon!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

RSS your site now

Never have the LRT been so empty at 7.30pm! The LRT is usually always packed starting from 4.45 to about 8.30pm on normal working days, but due to the puasa (fasting), majority of Muslims are already at home buka puasa'ing. I think I'll hang out at the office longer for this month and enjoy the ride back home in the empty LRT. That way I know I'll always have a seat.

Okay, I have always wanted to blog about this but I keep forgetting. I'm using a FeedDemon to read all my favorite blog, podcast and vidcast right and I love it! I really encourage you all to start using RSS readers and to RRS RSS your site\blog.

Why use it?
#1. You don't have to dead with on screen and pop up ads!
#2. You RSS reader will automatically download updates for you. You would just have to click on those updated pages instead of visiting every page on your favorite list.
#3. Since it's text (and maybe graphics) and no other web stuff, things loads really fast.
#4 Everyone would be on RRS RSS next time, and those without RSS will be left out, or just not be read.

I have kind of slowed down in reading unRSS blogs because of FeedDemon. I get so lazy with surfing my Favorite when I started using FeedDemon.

It's Friday tomorrow! Mom is flying to Bangkok tomorrow! Going try making either chocolate mousse or chocolate pudding or chocolate cookies tomorrow! Weeeee!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Q and A

Question : How do I know if I am visiting the CC (Cyber Cafe) too much?
Answer : When people in the CC gives me nicknames like "The Internet Girl".

I'm in the CC again and the counter guy gave me the "Oh you again look" and said "Oh ...Internet? Same PC lah". Then I over heard his telling his workmate something about the "Oh the Internet girl is here again". This is so sad. I'm spending too much time and $$ in the CC.

Statement : I am bored. I have no direction. I need a life.
Answer : I think you need a boyfriend.

What's up with that man. I've been getting a lot of response like this. Do I look and sound desperate? Mannnn I've got to shake this off.

Question : How is your workload?
Answer : Okay. (Actually a little too much but I have to handle stuff if not I'll look inefficient)
Question : Oh... Can handle more? I need someone to cover me.
Answer : ........

I'm going to die man. If I have more work after the holidays, that means I don't only have my own holiday backlog to handle, I would have to handle people's holiday backlogs as well. Where can!

Question : Is anyone interested in going for the Renault F1 Pit Party in Sepang end if this month?
Answer : ______?

Monday, October 03, 2005

I think I can curse now

Nope, my darn PC still hangs! I think I can curse now. FISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

At least I still got to record Episode 4. And I did some baking to make myself feel better. My biscuits didn't turn out right tho.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Last makan makan sesison

I'm really getting bored with sending my PC the PC shop again and again and still ending up with a faulty PC. If I had that kind of time to spare, I would be fixing the PC myself lah right! Ish. &$*%)*)&%#

Total cash spent;
1st consultation: RM10 for service, no hardware purchased
2nd consultation: RM10 for service, RM55 for PSU, RM55 for voltage regulator
3rd consultation: RM0 for service, RM145 for a new graphic card

$%$#^%*&$#$ My PC better don't hang on me again. ...and if does, I know what the PC guy is going to say, echo("Ahhh I knew it, sure your motherboard problem"); I'm getting a refund if my PC hangs again.

At least the boss knew I wasn't please with the service. He cleaned my heat sink and fan for me... and I got to mess around a little with Windows Vista beta version. They were testing it out on an AMD system with 512RAM and running on a 128mb graphic card. The OS ran quicker than I thought. The interface is a little different. The whole desktop look is the same but the Start menu has a expand and contract menu. The icons were nicer ...maybe that's because Vista uses vector art and not bitmap.

Okay, let's put the geek stuff aside. My colleagues and I had our final makan makan session yesterday. Why the last and final session? Well, we won't be able to have sessions like this when we move. The new floor that we are going to move to has an open space concept. Though I know I would love the open space concept, and the design and all, the pantry is shared by more people.

The pantry design will be similar to the other newly renovated floors... the panty will be more like a café rather than a pantry. Looks better then Starbucks and Coffeebean! Plus the walls are glass. Everyone would be able to see what is going on in the pantry.

The last makan makan session was really fun. We made bread pizza and garlic bread. I made homemade garlic spread and I’m glad my colleagues loved it.